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  • تلفن : 3902-21-0098

Researchers have recently found that it is possible to easily predict extent of violence and aggression among boys only through conducting a simple test.
In the said test, a study has been done on 17 boys of 7-9 years old and value of Testosterone and Androsterone (DHEA) hormones and that of Cortisol existing in the saliva of the said boys have been measured daily.
The results of researches have revealed that concentration of the said hormones in the sample saliva shall predict extent of violation and aggression among the said kids.
Quick and simultaneous evaluation of extent of violence among adolescences is of great importance for psychiatric and clinical treatments.
Awareness about extent of stress and study of emotional conditions of adolescences, especially during maturity period, sets a desirable model for parents and educational instructors and it causes that least hurts occur for the adolescences during said period accordingly.