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Scientists have produced a kind of headband. One may put this specific kind of headband on his/her forehead for 30 days every day in order to prevent migraine headaches.
This tool, which is called Cefaly, transmits electrical pulses to the nerve above eye bowel, controlling the sense inside and surrounding the eye.
As reported by Mehr, according to a study, of which results have been published in Neurology Journal, researchers have found that disabling headaches of the individuals who use this specific kind of headband have been decreased by about 1/3rd .
Using the said headband, number of individuals, whose migraine headaches have been reduced by 1/2nd , has been tripled.
Professor Jean Shonen, from Belgium University, stated: “This specific kind of headband is devised across the forehead and the patient must use the said headband for 20 minutes every day”. As stated by the above-named, this treatment causes side-effects.
The above-named researcher further added: “The results obtained from this fresh treatment method are too much similar to the medicines, prescribed for prevention of occurrence of migraine headaches. However, the said medicines usually cause many side-effects and eventually, the patients have to stop using the said medicines.
In this study, 67 persons, with four migraine seizures on average per month have been studied for four months, receiving no treatment.
The candidates were divided into two groups. One group was stimulated by electrical pulses for three months, 20 minutes every day. The second group was treated for the similar period, using a device (a device with electrical pulses of low or no effect).
Researchers have found that these underwent real irritation, number of days during which they suffer from migraine headaches has been decreased by 1/3 per month. It means that number of such days has been reached from seven to five days while no changes have been observed in another group using device.