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The researchers of medical sciences are of this opinion that Mediterranean diet, full of vegetables, fruits, fish and olive oil, prevents cerebral stroke.
As reported by the reporter of borderless physicians’ website, researchers of Navarra University Clinic in Spain emphasize that fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, and olive oil and an average level of fish and chicken prevent cerebral stroke.
Dr. Ramon Storch from Internal Medicine Ward of the Clinic of a hospital in Barcelona of Spain and Dr. Martinez Gonzales, Preventive Medicine Department of Public Health of Navarra University Clinic stated: “Danger of cerebral stroke has been decreased among the individuals, who benefited from Mediterranean diet”.
Spanish researchers have commented that they contracted the said researches on 7447 candidates, who were allowed to consume high quantity of calorie without exercising.
Candidates in the said research have determined one of three diets at random.
Mediterranean diet contained dried fruits, olive oil, fish, chicken, low dairies, red meat or processed meat or pastries, olive oil supplements, and the Mediterranean diet contained dried fruits, low fat food, including bread, potato and macaroni.
Researchers studied the candidates at the age of 55-88 for the entire five years. All individuals were at high risk of cardiac disorders. However, none of them has had cardiovascular problems upon commencement of the said research.
These researches, which were published in New England Medical Journal, compared the individuals who were benefiting from low fat diet and those who were benefiting from Mediterranean diet, enriched with olive oil.
The results of the said researches have revealed that cerebral stroke has been decreased by 46% among the individuals, who benefited from Mediterranean diet.
In Mediterranean diet, there are a huge quantity of vegetable foods such as fruits, vegetables, breads and other materials, made of grains, potato, cereals, and other grains; foods are made of materials, which are fresh and seasonal, grown in the said region and the least process is done during cooking process on the said foods accordingly.
Fresh fruits in the said diet are consumed as daily desserts. Pastries, containing concentrated sugar  or honey are consumed several times every week.
Olive oil is a main source, providing fat of the said diet. Dairy protract, especially cheese and yogurt are consumed every day at low or medium level. Fish and chicken are used at low or medium level. One to four eggs are consumed every week. Red meat is consumed low.