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This herbal supplement is produced in the form of syrup from the oil of specific herbs. Use of this pharmaceutical composition is harmless for MS patients and it has no side effects.
According to the Galenicals Educational News Network, this drug has been tested on 100 MS patients out of them 65 improved relatively to definitely considering the phases of disease from the beginning to advanced and also period of suffering from this disease.
This pharmaceutical discovery is registered under invention No. 76745 and measures will be taken very soon for its mass protraction under the permission of ministry of health and medical education.
Research for producing this pharmaceutical composition took more than two years. This research was contracted at Neuroscience Research Center of Tabriz University of Medical Science under the guidance of Professor Seyed Rafi Aref Hosseini.
Having consumed this drug for a period of 6 months to one year, MS patients have improved somehow and MS progress has been controlled in them.
This galenic is consumed along with other drugs prescribed by physicians for MS patients.
MS is an autoimmune disease in which body produces antibodies against itself and some plaques are produced in different parts of brain causing nervous disorders.