• ایمیل: info@yaghootsalamat.com

  • تلفن : 3902-21-0098

Chronic venous insufficiency is the main cause of Varicose Veins disease. While chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is the most prevalent cause for leg pain and its inflation, this insufficiency occurs when venous valves lack the required performance and blood circulation in leg is impaired.
20% of adults suffer from this disease and on this basis the number of women is higher than men.
In this new treatment method, the disabled value is replaced with an efficient implant.
At the present time, this implant is not prepared to be used in the patients' bodies and it is in the trial phase.
In case this implant is put into practice, most vascular diseases can be treated through this method.
It should be mentioned that Erbaven Retard is one of the highly popular products of Yaghout Company. Besides causing positive effects in those patients suffering from varicose veins, this product has also been effective in the re-health of feet.