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  • تلفن : 3902-21-0098

The first three months of gestation age is the most significant section of the said critical period because during said period, changes occur quickly and it is necessary to provide required nutrients for the said changes. This period usually coincides with the time when most pregnant women lacks appetite or suffer from nausea ors it is mostly known. However, it is really important for pregnant women eat a variety of foods and receive different kinds of foodstuffs. During this period, huge quantity of sugar, white bread and mashed potato are harmful for pregnant women because the said foodstuffs are quickly changed to sugar. Instead, eating vegetables, nuts and barriers are very useful for such woman. Here, we introduce one of foodstuffs, of which eating is very useful in the first three months of pregnancy period: Almond. What is provided for you through supplements namely Folic Acid for prevention of congenital defects Almond shall naturally provide the same accordingly. During said period, eating 20 almonds every day by pregnant women is recommended. Raw almonds are much more desirable compared to roasted almond.  However, if you buy roasted almond, you must become sure that they are fresh. You must always have and eat almonds as snack when you are hungry.