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Researchers of medical sciences are of this opinion that respective results of a research done on a few patients, suffering from colorectal cancer has shown that decrease of mortality only occurs by prescribing Aspirin for a group of patients, suffering from colorectal cancer. It should be noted that a mutation has been identified in CA3PIK gene of the aforesaid patients.
As reported by the reporter for the site of Borderless Physicians, Aspirin or “Acetylsalicylic Acid” is the highly-appreciated medicines all over the globe. Every year, 50,000 Millions of tablets of Aspirin are consumed through the world.
Following a 12-year research, researchers further added that during said period prescribing Aspirin to the patients, suffering from colorectal cancer, with such genetic mutation, described earlier, has decreased mortality caused by the said kind of cancer by 80%, compared to those patients, who have not taken the said medicine.
In Britain, every individual consumes 70 tables of Aspirin together with other pain killers, Caffeine or Vitamin C.
Further to its property as a pain killer, Aspirin is also a medicine used as refrigerant and anti-inflammation medicine. Moreover, consuming Aspirin has also indicated such side-effects as gastric ulcers and prevents blood clotting.
However, nowadays Aspirin is used in the following cases:
Prevention of cardiac disorders by 37.6%, arthritis by 23.3%, headache by 12.2%, body pains by 12.2% and other pains by 14.1%.
Other results obtained from this research reveal that this dropping trend of mortality has not been observed among other individuals, receiving Aspirin, but with no such genetic mutation as described earlier.
Colon and rectum cancer, which is also known as Colorectal Cancer, is the second main cause of death caused by cancers among men and the third main cause of death caused by cancers among women. On a whole, the five-year survival for colorectal is given as 58%, compared to other cancers, which are diagnosed at primary stages given as 89%.
It should be noted that following an appropriate diet such as eating low fat foods, eating fibers, fruits and vegetables as well as doing physical activities may prevent development of colorectal cancer.
The results obtained from the said research have been published in New England Medical Journal Accordingly.