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Food and Drug Administration of America has confirmed generating the first vaccine for cancer, which entered into a new era of treatment of cancers all over the world.
This vaccine, under the name of “Provenge” has been generated, aiming at treatment of prostate cancer. The said vaccine has been used during clinical test periods and, compared to placebos, the said vaccine could increase lifetime of patients for four months. This medicine is not regarded as a procedure for treatment or prevention of the respective disease and it is not similar to the vaccines, which have been generated for treatment of measles or Hepatitis. But, it is regarded as a treatment vaccine. It means that the said vaccine may improve immunity system of patients.  Ten samples of vaccines have been generated for treatment of cancer so far. However, “Provenge” vaccine is the first sample, which has been confirmed by FDA. Non-confirmation of the said medicine had led to severe objection of patients and investors for about three years. The said vaccine is manufactured for each patient according to an order placed for this purpose. It means that while blood globules of a patient are collected and specific immunity cells are extracted from the said cells accordingly. Then, final cells are injected to the patient for three times within a one-month period. The said vaccines costs 93,000.- Dollars. Common treatment procedures of cancer namely radiotherapy, chemotherapy and even prostatectomy shall cause many damages to patients. Thus, a medicine, which is able to stimulate and to improve natural body immunity system of patients may be regarded a valuable replacement for the said procedures. Extent of side-effects of the said vaccine is too limited including fever, fatigue and pain. According to the report of Pop Science, Provenge Vaccine is used for the patients, who suffering from prostate cancer, with metastasis to their entire body. In 2009, National Cancer Institute of America reported about 192000 new cases of Prostate Cancer. About 27000 patients out of the said cases died due to the said disease.