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Reported by department of technology & communication of YaghootRooyan International Holding Group, the second festival & national exhibition of herbal medicine, natural products & Iran’s traditional medicine was held on the 29th September till 2nd October in this year.
This festival & exhibition which was held by science & technology development staff of herbal & traditional medicine related to deputy science & technology of president’s office, included 14 fundamental in this field along with 4 educational workshops.
The main range of audiences of this festival, were public &private companies, in particular private & public knowledge base institutes, researchers, industrialists, entrepreneurs & investors who wish to invest in this area. Furthermore physicians, producers of herbal products & medicine, inventors related to the field, students & professionals were present in the exhibition.
In this fair which was held by presence of Dr. Jahangiri, first deputy of president, Dr. Sattari, science & technology deputy of president & Mahmoud Hojati, agriculture minister, one of the fundamental was introducing herbal products & food supplements. In this regard 5 new products of SepidTeb pharmaceutical company were launched.
SepidTeb which is one of the active knowledge base companies in the country, not only promoted&culturized appropriate use of herbal supplements, but also took the opportunity to make agreements for cooperation in the development of this industry, through exchange of ideas, communication and consultation with manufacturers & entrepreneurs in this area.
It is noteworthy, at this festival SepidTeb pharmaceutical company was chosen as one of selected knowledge base companies in pharmaceutical field.one of the most important factors for this to happen is a research & development center belongs to this company which by considering market demand in the country, could take a significant step in the production of new products & upgrade it’s previous.
Dr.SeyedHosseinEtemadi, founder of YaghootRooyan Int’l Holding Group said that quick commercialization process, creative& innovative human resources & also keeping pace with the world’s latest technology are the other factors for success of SepidTeb pharmaceutical company.


Dévoilement des 5 produits de l'industriepharmaceutiqueSepidTebdans la deuxièmeédition du Festival de la médecinetraditionnelleet les plantesmédicinales.
Selon le département de la technologieet de la communication possession international YaghoutRoyan, le deuxième festival national et l'exposition de plantesmédicinales, les produits de la médecinenaturelle et la médecinetraditionnelle 07-10 mehr de l'année a eu lieu.
Le festival et de l'exposition en coursd'élaboration par le Comité de la science et de la technologie des plantesmédicinales et vice-président de la médecinetraditionnelleassocié de la science et de la technologie a eu lieu .was Composé de 14 selon le domainefondamental et 4 ateliers.
Qu'est-ceque les contacts d'origine de cette festival publiéparticulaireetCamarades, les institutions Governali, les institutions privéesfondéessur les connaissances, les chercheurs, les propriétairesindustriels, entrepreneurs, Les investisseurs qui souhaitentinvestirdanscettepartie.
Dansce festival aussi des médecins, des fabricants de produits à base de plantes et les médicaments, les inventeurs et les technologies relatives à la partie, les étudiants et les professionnelsparicipavano.
Vouset le joint avec le docteurJahangiri, participer à ce festival, premier vice-président. ProfesseurSattari, vice-président de la technologie.également Dr. Mahmoud Janatti, ministre de l'AgricultureL'un des principauxsujetsétaientl'introduction de produits à base de plantes et complémentsalimentaires à cetégard, a étédévoilé 5 nouveaux produitspharmaceutiquesSepidTeb.
PharmacieSepidTebest un des activistesbaséssur la connaissanceontprésentéleurs nouveaux produits à la foire, Avec saprésence au festival, en plus de promouvoir la culture et la bonne utilisation des suppléments, herbes, Grâce à l'échanged'idéesconversation avec les producteurs et les autres entrepreneurs danscesecteur. Accord de coopération pour le développement du secteuratteint.
Ilest à noter commerce SepidTebdans le festival commel'une des sociétés leader dans la base de connaissancespharmaceutiquea étéchoisi.commel'un des facteurs les plus importantsdans la prise de cetévénement un centre de recherche et développement.
en tenant compte du marché et de leurs contacts dans le pays peutêtreuneétapeimportantedans la production de nouveaux produits et l'amélioration du choix de produitsprecedent.


Scoprimento di 5 prodottidellaaziendafarmaceuticaSepidTebnel secondo Festival dellamedicinatradizionale e piantimedicinali.
Secondo ildipartimento di tecnologia e comunicazionepossessointernazionaleYaghoutRoyan, il secondo festival nazionale e l'esposizionedellepiantemedicinale, prodotti di medicinanaturale e medicinatradizionale dal 07 al 10 mehr del quest'annosi è tenuto.
Il Festival e mostraEssendosviluppato dal ComitatoScienza e dellaTecnologia di piantemedicinali e medicinatradizionaleassociate di vice presidentedellascienza e dellatecnologiasi è tenuta .era Costituito da 14 basatafondamentalesul campo e 4 officine.
Ciòchecontattioriginali di questo festival hannopubblicato e particolato I compagni, istitutigovernali, istituti private base sulconoscenza, ricercatori, Proprietari industrial, imprenditori, Gliinvestitorichedesideranoinvestire in questa parte.
In questo festival anchemedici, I fabbricanti di prodottisul base di pianti e farmaci, Inventori e tecnologieriguardantila parte, Studenti e professionistiparicipavano.
Si e tenuta con DottoreJahangiriparticipavano in questofestival,primovice di presidente. ProfessoreSattari, Vice Presidente di tecnologia.anchedottore Mahmoud Janatti, Ministrodell'Agricoltura. Uno degliargomentiprincipali, eranol'introduzione di prodottierboristici e integratorialimentari A questoproposito, è statosvelatoi 5 nuoviprodottifarmaceuticiSepidTeb.
FarmaciaSepidTeb è un attivistibasatisullaconoscenzaintrodottoiloronuoviprodotti in fiera, Con la suapresenza al festival, oltre a promuovere la cultura e ilcorrettouso di integratori a base dell, erbe, Attraverso lo scambio di idee, conersazione con I produttori e glialtriimprenditori di questosettore. Accordo di cooperazione per lo sviluppodelsettoreraggiunta.
Si segnalacommercioSepidTebnel festival Come unadelleaziende leader nella parte della base di conoscenzefarmaceutico è statoscelto come unodeifattoripiùimportantinellarealizzazione di questoeventoavere un centro di ricerca e sviluppo, tenendoconto del mercatoedilorocontattinelpaesepuoavere un passoimportantenellaproduzione di nuoviprodotti e miglioramentiallescelte di prodotti precedent.
ProfessoreSeyedHosseinEtemadi, ilfondatore di international holding YaghoutRouyan, processo di commercializzazionerapidamene,avereImpiegaticreativi e innovative anchetenereilpasso con le ultimetecnologie del mondosaAltrifattori di successi di SepidTeb








 Reported by department of technology & communication of YaghootRooyan International Holding Group, the second festival & national exhibition of herbal medicine, natural products & Iran’s traditional medicine was held on the 29th September till 2nd October in this year.
This festival & exhibition which was held by science & technology development staff of herbal & traditional medicine related to deputy science & technology of president’s office, included 14 fundamental in this field along with 4 educational workshops.
The main range of audiences of this festival, were public &private companies, in particular private & public knowledge base institutes, researchers, industrialists, entrepreneurs & investors who wish to invest in this area. Furthermore physicians, producers of herbal products & medicine, inventors related to the field, students & professionals were present in the exhibition.
In this fair which was held by presence of Dr. Jahangiri, first deputy of president, Dr. Sattari, science & technology deputy of president & Mahmoud Hojati, agriculture minister, one of the fundamental was introducing herbal products & food supplements. In this regard 5 new products of SepidTeb pharmaceutical company were launched.
SepidTeb which is one of the active knowledge base companies in the country, not only promoted&culturized appropriate use of herbal supplements, but also took the opportunity to make agreements for cooperation in the development of this industry, through exchange of ideas, communication and consultation with manufacturers & entrepreneurs in this area.
It is noteworthy, at this festival SepidTeb pharmaceutical company was chosen as one of selected knowledge base companies in pharmaceutical field.one of the most important factors for this to happen is a research & development center belongs to this company which by considering market demand in the country, could take a significant step in the production of new products & upgrade it’s previous.
Dr.SeyedHosseinEtemadi, founder of YaghootRooyan Int’l Holding Group said that quick commercialization process, creative& innovative human resources & also keeping pace with the world’s latest technology are the other factors for success of SepidTeb pharmaceutical company.



Beta carotene is a member of the carotenoid family belonging to the isoprenoid compounds, which are polyunsaturates with antioxidant properties. The formula for beta carotene is C40H56 and it can exist as cis- or trans-isomers. Most of the naturally-occurring and synthesized forms of beta exists as the all-trans isomer.

Where is beta carotene found?

Beta carotene is produced by plants and microorganisms, with the main sources being yellow or orange and green-leaved vegetables or fruits such as sweet potato, spinach, carrots, pumpkin, butternut squash and apricots.

Beta carotene is also available as supplements, which may be synthetic or derived from palm oil, algae or fungi. When taken as a vitamin or mineral supplement, the dose ranges form 0.4 mg to 20 mg per day.

When used as a medicine to treat vitamin A deficiency, a dose of up to 6 mg/day may be given and in cases of erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP), up to 300 mg/day may be taken. Beta carotene is also widely used as a yellow colouring agent (EC160a) in food and drink.

Although beta carotene is not classed as an essential nutrient, it is a precursor to vitamin A and the recommended daily intake is expressed as part of the reference nutrient intake (RNI) for vitamin A as retinol equivalents (RE).

Beneficial effects of beta carotene

As a provitamin of vitamin A, the importance of beta carotene in an individual depends on their level of pre-formed vitamin A. It is therefore difficult to define a beta- carotene deficiency. Beta carotene also interacts with other carotenoids during absorption and metabolic processes.

Studies have shown an association between high dietary intake of beta carotene and a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. This may be due to the antioxidant properties of the molecule.


The absorption of beta carotene is facilitated by dietary fats and bile salts in the small intestine. Around 10% to 90% of the total dietary beta carotene is thought to be absorbed in the gut, with absorption decreasing, the higher the intake is. Low fat diets also reduce the amount of beta carotene absorbed.

Smokers have a low blood level of beta carotene, as do individuals with a high alcohol intake and those with HIV infection. People with impaired fat absorption from diet due to conditions such as jaundice, liver cirrhosis and cystic fibrosis also have a low blood level of beta carotene. Beta carotene is excreted in the feces and sweat.

Reviewed by Sally Robertson, BSc













In an article published in this month's issue of Pediatrics In Review, researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) stress the importance of physicians recognizing that many mothers use herbal supplements while breastfeeding in order to make accurate health assessments for both mother and child.

In the US, no existing regulatory guidelines set a standardized risk assessment of herbal supplement use during breastfeeding. Because of the highly limited number of studies on herb use during lactation, numerous resources have mixed reports and safety recommendations, making it confusing for both mother and clinician.

After completing a systematic review of human lactation and herbal medicine literature, the researchers found poor methodology in the few available studies and concluded that further research is needed to assess the prevalence, efficacy and safety of commonly used herbs during breastfeeding.

"It is important for physicians and clinicians to be more aware that mothers are using herbal supplements and how vital it is to ask the mothers, who are seeking a doctor's opinion when having trouble breastfeeding, about their use before making an assessment," said senior author Paula Gardiner, MD, MPH, assistant professor at BUSM and a physician of family medicine at Boston Medical Center.

Although there is little scientific evidence to support the efficacy or safety of herbal supplements, it is a common practice both nationally and internationally.

"The use of herbal supplements while breastfeeding is two-sided-there are benefits, but there are also safety concerns," she added. "About 18 percent of the US population use herbs and dietary supplements. We just want to make sure physicians and clinicians are aware of this prevalent use when communicating with breastfeeding mothers about their health."

Herbal remedies may be used to increase the milk supply, relieve engorgement, treat mastitis, or for other therapeutic uses unrelated to lactation.

"Since there is very limited research, it is difficult to develop accurate information on the safety and effectiveness of specific herbs during breastfeeding," said Gardiner. "It is crucial that more research is conducted in this area, including national prevalence studies and safety and efficacy studies."

Boston University Medical Center








Supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids promotes effective immune system response and has ameliorating effects on chronic inflammation (a condition caused by an imbalanced immune system that can lead to multiple serious illnesses over time), according to the most recent study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (a division of the U.S. National Institutes of Health) on the effects of omega-3. It is for this reason that omega-3, in addition to playing a crucial role in human growth and brain development, may be highly useful in the prevention and treatment of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, ulcers, psoriasis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and migraine.

The polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 cannot be synthesized by the body and must therefore be taken in as nutrition. Paradoxically, however, an excess of omega 6 may actually result in greater inflammation. This is why a healthy diet needs to achieve a proper balance between omega-3 and omega-6. Such is not currently the case in most American diets, which typically provide 14 to 25 times more omega 6 fatty acids than omega-3.

Typically standard fish oil supplements only have 30% omega-3 fatty acids and the same amount of saturated and monounsaturated (30% each), making their effectiveness doubtful.  

Supplements such as OmegafortSCC have 85% omega-3 content and are backed by studies that support that the higher the concentration the higher the effectiveness of the omega-3 supplementation on our health.

A single high-potency OmegafortSCC capsule provides amounts of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) which are four times higher than conventional fish-oil capsules.







Supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids promotes effective immune system response and has ameliorating effects on chronic inflammation (a condition caused by an imbalanced immune system that can lead to multiple serious illnesses over time), according to the most recent study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (a division of the U.S. National Institutes of Health) on the effects of omega-3. It is for this reason that omega-3, in addition to playing a crucial role in human growth and brain development, may be highly useful in the prevention and treatment of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, ulcers, psoriasis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and migraine.

The polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 cannot be synthesized by the body and must therefore be taken in as nutrition. Paradoxically, however, an excess of omega 6 may actually result in greater inflammation. This is why a healthy diet needs to achieve a proper balance between omega-3 and omega-6. Such is not currently the case in most American diets, which typically provide 14 to 25 times more omega 6 fatty acids than omega-3.

Typically standard fish oil supplements only have 30% omega-3 fatty acids and the same amount of saturated and monounsaturated (30% each), making their effectiveness doubtful.  

Supplements such as OmegafortSCC have 85% omega-3 content and are backed by studies that support that the higher the concentration the higher the effectiveness of the omega-3 supplementation on our health.

A single high-potency OmegafortSCC capsule provides amounts of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) which are four times higher than conventional fish-oil capsules.









The intake of preformed vitamin A from animal products is not sufficient in parts of the population in the U.S., Europe and Asia. The vitamin A precursor beta-carotene therefore has an important function in providing for an adequate supply of total vitamin A, international carotenoid experts state in a recently published consensus answer. An appropriate intake of beta-carotene from diet, fortified foods and/or dietary supplements could safely compensate for the lack of vitamin A. However, based on recent data from national nutrition surveys, the dietary intake of beta-carotene from food sources is insufficient in a substantial part of the population. Moreover, many people may suffer from a reduced ability to produce sufficient amounts of vitamin A from beta-carotene due to genetic variations. Consequently, experts are calling for guarantees that recommended intakes of beta-carotene are met or, if the current recommended dietary amounts for vitamin A are not met, that beta-carotene intake should be increased. This would ensure that at least 95% of the population consume an adequate amount of total vitamin A.

Leading experts in the fields of medical and nutritional science from the U.S., Europe and Asia met at a Consensus Conference to elucidate the current knowledge with respect to physiological function, supply situation, and intake recommendations of beta-carotene. The experts reached an agreement formulated in a consensus answer published recently in The Journal of Nutrition.

Vitamin A and beta-carotene intake often critically low

Vitamin A is essential for normal growth and development, immune system, vision and other functions in the human body. In situations such as pregnancy and lactation, vitamin A plays a particularly important role in the healthy development of the child, and an increase in vitamin A (retinol) intake has been recommended under these conditions. However, surveys undertaken in several countries suggest that vitamin A intake patterns vary considerably across Europe, the U.S. and Asia. National survey data show that the intake of preformed vitamin A (retinol) - as such only present in animal products (especially liver) - is often critically low and does not meet the recommendations. Groups especially at risk of inadequate vitamin A supply are pregnant and lactating women, newborns, children with frequent infections, young women, the elderly and people who avoid animal-derived foods.

National Consumption Surveys indicate that beta-carotene - as a vitamin A precursor - contributes significantly to balance inadequate vitamin A supply in large parts of the population. However, European, U.S. and Asian studies show that a substantial part of the population does not reach the recommendation for beta-carotene necessary to compensate the low vitamin A intake from sources containing preformed vitamin A in the regular diet.

Recent evidence has shown that suboptimal levels of vitamin A and beta-carotene, even well above those causing clinical deficiency syndromes, can be risk factors for chronic diseases.

Vitamin A deficiency through beta-carotene-dependent gene variants

The bioavailability of beta-carotene is influenced by numerous factors. In addition to food-related factors, such as food matrix, food processing, dosage, fat in the meal, and dietary fibers, the bioavailability of beta-carotene depends on consumer-related factors including vitamin A status, gut integrity and genetic variations.

Recent research on female subjects has shown that almost 50% of the population have a genetic variation which reduces their ability to produce sufficient amounts of vitamin A from beta-carotene. Studies indicate that younger women carrying the genetic variation are at particular risk as they tend to eat not enough vitamin A-rich foods relying heavily on the beta-carotene form of the nutrient.

Experts call for increase of beta-carotene intake recommendations

It is apparent from a variety of studies that beta-carotene is essential in striving for the recommended vitamin A intake. In cases of a poor vitamin A status due to low intake of preformed vitamin A, the current recommendations for beta-carotene in the range of 2-4 mg per day still might not sufficiently correct the individual vitamin A status.

In their consensus answer the experts conclude that ignoring inter-individual differences in the ability to convert beta-carotene to vitamin A and assuming that intakes of preformed retinol do not change, it should be ensured that the current recommended intakes of beta-carotene are attained. At the same time, people with an inadequate intake of preformed vitamin A should increase consumption to 7 mg per day, based on a realistic and now in the scientific community generally accepted conversion efficiency of 1:12 (12 milligrams of beta-carotene are necessary to form one milligram of vitamin A). This should ensure that at least 95% of the population meet the recommended intakes of total vitamin A.

Individuals with reduced conversion efficiencies due to a genetic variability in beta-carotene metabolism might need to increase their daily intakes even further. This is currently being investigated.

No functional difference between natural and synthetic beta-carotene

According to the experts, there is no difference in function between naturally occurring and chemically synthesized beta-carotene, whereas there is a difference in bioavailability from different food sources. In humans, the predominant molecular type is 'all-trans beta-carotene', used for most dietary supplements and fortified foods; it is absorbed preferentially compared to other forms.

As the general population is not obtaining sufficient beta-carotene from fruit and vegetables, foods fortified or colored with beta-carotene and dietary supplements can be important contributors to the daily supply of vitamin A.

CommuniPoweR Wolfgang Zoell








New research has shown for the first time that omega-3 in fish oil could "substantially and significantly" reduce the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis.

According to the University of Bristol study, funded by Arthritis Research UK and published in the journal Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, omega-3-rich diets fed to guinea pigs, which naturally develop osteoarthritis, reduced disease by 50 per cent compared to a standard diet.

The research is a major step forward in showing that omega-3 fatty acids, either sourced from fish oil or flax oil, may help to slow down the progression of osteoarthritis, or even prevent it occurring, confirming anecdotal reports and "old wives' tales" about the benefits of fish oil for joint health.

Lead researcher Dr John Tarlton, from the Matrix Biology Research group at the University of Bristol's School of Veterinary Sciences, said classic early signs of the condition, such as the degradation of collagen in cartilage and the loss of molecules that give it shock-absorbing properties, were both reduced with omega-3.

"Furthermore, there was strong evidence that omega-3 influences the biochemistry of the disease, and therefore not only helps prevent disease, but also slows its progression, potentially controlling established osteoarthritis," he said.

Dr Tarlton added: "The only way of being certain that the effects of omega-3 are as applicable to humans as demonstrated in guinea pigs is to apply omega-3 to humans. However, osteoarthritis in guinea pigs is perhaps the most appropriate model for spontaneous, naturally occurring osteoarthritis, and all of the evidence supports the use of omega-3 in human disease."

Medical research director of Arthritis Research UK, Professor Alan Silman, said: "The possibility that omega-3 fatty acids could prevent osteoarthritis from developing has been a tantalising one. Some limited, previous research in dogs has suggested that we were a long way away from understanding the potential use in humans. However, this current research in guinea pigs is exciting as it brings us closer to understanding how omega-3 might fundamentally interfere with the osteoarthritis process, and that it could potentially be taken as a treatment."

On the back of the results of his study, Dr Tarlton said that following government guidelines on dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids could be effective in reducing the burden of osteoarthritis. Fish oil is far more effective than the flax oil based supplement, but for vegetarians flax oil remains a viable alternative.

"Most diets in the developed world are lacking in omega-3, with modern diets having up to 30 times too much omega-6 and too little omega-3. Taking omega-3 will help redress this imbalance and may positively contribute to a range of other health problems such as heart disease and colitis."

Further studies are needed to determine the influence of omega-3 fatty acids on established disease in guinea pigs, and to confirm the effects in human osteoarthritis, said Dr Tarlton.

University of Bristol








A common nutritional supplement may be part of the magic in improving the survival rates of babies born with heart defects, researchers report.

Carnitine, a compound that helps transport fat inside the cell powerhouse where it can be used for energy production, is currently used for purposes ranging from weight loss to chest pain.

New research shows it appears to normalize the blood vessel dysfunction that can accompany congenital heart defects and linger even after corrective surgery, said Dr. Stephen M. Black, cell and molecular physiologist at the Vascular Biology Center at the Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University.

"My hope is this is going to have a major, major impact on survival of babies," Black said. About half the babies born with heart defects have excessive, continuous high pressure on their lungs from misdirected blood flow. Early surgery can prevent full-blown pulmonary vascular disease, but scientists are finding more subtle disruptions in the signaling inside blood vessels walls that can be problematic - even deadly - up to 72 hours after surgery.

The good news is the changes are reversible and that carnitine speeds recovery and can even prevent the damage in a lamb model of these human heart defects, according to studies published in the journal Pediatric Research.

Normally, most blood flow bypasses the lungs in utero when the placenta provides blood and oxygen for the baby. Baby's first breaths naturally expand the lungs and blood vessels, activating a process inside the lining of vessels that enables them to accommodate the initial blood surge, then reduce pressure quickly, dramatically and permanently.

This natural transition doesn't occur when heart defects misdirect blood flow. "It's kind of like a chronic fetal-to-newborn transition," said Black, the study's corresponding author. Lungs get pounded with about three times the normal flow and, even when surgeries are done as early as possible to repair the defect, correct blood flow and protect the lungs, the 20 percent death rates from acute pulmonary hypertension have remained unchanged for a decade. "That's 1 in 5 kid (with this condition)," Black said.

Left unchecked, the barrage thickens blood vessels, making them unresponsive, much like those of an elderly individual who has lived for years with uncontrolled high blood pressure. The comparatively brief periods of pounding these babies experience impairs the ability of the endothelial cells, which line blood vessels, to produce nitric oxide, a major dilator of blood vessels.

The shear force disrupts carnitine homeostasis, weakens the mitochondria (the cell powerhouse) and impairs nitric oxide production. To make bad matters worse, the precursor to nitric oxide instead makes more peroxynitrite, prompting endothelial cells to grow and thickening blood vessels. Black was also corresponding author of a recent study in the Journal of Biological Chemistry that showed peroxynitrite does this by turning on the cell survival protein kinase Akt1.

The new study indicates that even without fixing the heart defect, high daily doses of carnitine in the first four weeks of life can prevent endothelial dysfunction. In fact, the laboratory lambs' ability to make nitric oxide is preserved even without the benefit of heart surgery and the responses to the chemical activity that enables blood vessel dilation is normalized, Black said.

Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University