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  • تلفن : 3902-21-0098




Check almost any label on processed food or soup and you’ll see a high sodium content. In most homes, you’ll also see a salt shaker in the middle of the table. When people begin to be conscientious about their salt intake, they often reach for a potassium based salt substitute, however, with some medications potassium should be limited as well.

A better way to cut down is to season with herbs and spices, they are not going to taste like salt, but they do provide flavors that can stir the palette and make you wonder why you ever thought salt was so important.

1. Parsley – Many see parsley as a table garnish, but it also makes an excellent addition to your dishes. It gives them a fresher overall taste, and can help heighten the flavor of other spices.

2. Savory (Satureja) – Savory actually comes in two varieties, summer and winter savories, but either can be used in any season. It is from the satureja plant and is a member of the mint family, and has a flavor similar to oregano or marjoram.

3. Sage – Sage is a very aromatic, woody flavored herbs that has a flavor very resilient to cooking. It is particularly common in pork dishes and in bread stuffings.

4. Cilantro – Cilantro is a common ingredient in Mexican dishes, such as salsas and guacamole and many think it tastes somewhat like citrus. Some people, however, are predisposed to taste it differently and may think it tastes like soap. Try a little first and see what you think.

5. Basil – Basil is common in Italian dishes, and tastes both sweet and spicy, although not overwhelmingly so is either area.

6. Cinnamon – Cinnamon is one of the oldest spice known, especially in countries like India, Sri Lanka and other parts of Asia. This is a good salt alternative as it has the ability to regulates blood sugar level and lower cholesterol.

7. Cardamom – Cardamom is a well known substitute for salt as the taste of it is widely different and strong. Most of us have drunk cardamom tea and have got the taste with a hint of a ginger and salt.

8. Cayenne – Also known as red chilli peppers, Cayenne is an apt substitute for salt. Widely used in Spanish, Mexican and Indian cuisines. Cayenne gives a hot and peppery flavour that can be a good salt alternative.

9. Bay – Bay leaves are highly known to add flavour to meat foods. These sweet and aromatic leaves are usually dried to enhance its flavour. This could be one ingredient that could re-define the taste of the food.

These herbs and spices represent just the beginning of ways to season without salt. Many look to the bulb family; garlic, onions, leeks, or chives to add intensity to their food, or to various peppers including cayenne or other red peppers, or even salt’s trusty companion, black pepper. Any of these options can potentially lead to better health.
