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Because of anti-immunity property and prevention of cellular multiplication, researchers consider various clinical advantages for astatines in the patients, suffering from cancer. It can easily be said that astatine decreases danger of cancer occurrence. It should be further added that such effect of Astatine, which has been described above, has not been confirmed by scientific societies yet.
According to a past clinical study, which has been contracted in America, researchers compared extent of danger for development of cancer among consumers of Astatine to individuals, who have not received the said medicine.
Occurrence of lung and colon cancers has noticeably decreased among the recipients of Astatine.
Pervious meta-analyses had also evaluated danger of occurrence of various kinds of cancer. Presently, a huge quantity of budget has been allocated to the said field of study.
The most quantity of collected information is associated with consumption of Astatine and breast, lung and colon cancers.
Although a noticeable number of studies of several centers  have revealed that there is no relation between receiving Astatine and decrease of occurrence of breast cancer. The persons, who receive fluvastatin, develop breast cancer less than those who don’t receive the said medicine. According to a widespread study in America, it has been propounded that receiving Astatines for a period over six months leads to decrease of cancer prevalence by 55%.
Although over 20 case studies have been done so far in order to evaluate the effect of Astatines in decrease of cancer occurrence, the effectiveness of the said medicine has not been proven yet.