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An English Company is going through the process of obtaining a license to use a new vaccine, which prevents development of Meningitis- Type B. This Company has claimed that the said vaccine will be presented to the word in near future.
As reported by reporter for the site of Borderless Physicians, Meningitis is an inflammation of myelin and cerebral membrane, affecting most of the adolescences with a mortality of 14-15%. Many patients, who have recovered, are affected by permanent neural injuries or have lost their hearing forever.
Certain vaccines have been produced in order to campaign against Meningitis of types A and C. However, none of the said vaccines has been effective for Meningitis of Type B. Meningitis of Type A is the most prevalent type of the said disease in Africa.
Meningitis of Type B is the most common type of the said complication in Europe. This fatal disease kills one out of ten patients, who suffer from the said complication. Even if the said disease is treated, 1/5th of those patients who had this kind of disease suffer from neural or hearing complications forever.
On average, 1870 cases of Meningitis of Type B are reported ever year in England. 200 cases out of total reported ones die due to the said disease. Half of those who die because of this type of Meningitis are kids, who are below five years.
Furthermore, over 400 kids, suffering from the said disease are affected by severe complications namely impairment, blindness, deafness, and cerebral injuries.
Although it has been reported that vaccination plans for campaign against other types of Meningitis were successful in England, presently, there is no vaccine against Meningitis of Type B in the nation.
Meningo Cocci B or Meningitis of Type B is the most prevalent type of bacterium meningitis in England. This type of Meningitis is regarded as the most fatal diseases as well.
Since there are many varieties of Meningitis of Type B, producing respective vaccine, which could prevent development of the said disease is a difficult task.
Bexsero is the first vaccine, which prevents development of the fatal type of Meningo Cocci B, which in some cases leads to death only within a few hours.
European Medical Institute which supervises over a supervising organization of medicines in England has stated its auspicious decision to use the aforesaid vaccine. Thus, it so seems that this vaccine is effective and using the same is not dangerous either.
This is the first step, taken in confirming procedure of the said vaccine. According to the said report, authorization for use of the said vaccines will be issued within the next three months accordingly.