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As reported by Health News, quoted from ISNA, Dr David E. McCarthy, one of the specialists from Health Sciences Center of Louisiana University in Shreveport and his assistants at the said University, pointed out: “Previous studies and fresh reviews confirm that decrease of level of Vitamin D in human body may be associated with sever sleepiness in daytime, directly or due to chronic pains.
Dr McCarthy stated on this case: “Although we have received there is a significant relationship between level of Vitamin D and sleepiness, mechanism of such relation is apparently more complicated than what we have imagined in the past”.
He further added: “At this stage, follow up of results of fresh studies and deeper examination on the said relation is of great importance. According to the said examinations, it was found that regarding the patients whose Vitamin D is at normal level at their body, an increase of feeling of sleepiness in daytime with decrease of level of Vitamin D are observed.
More details of the said tests have been presented in “Sleep Clinical Journal” accordingly.