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Urinary infection: A nightmare for women
Infection of urinary tract is one of the most prevalent bacterial infections among women. According to statistics, almost half of women have experienced infection of urinary tract at least once in their lifetime. Many of such women also develop recurrent infections as well. In fact, bladder infection (cystic) is responsible for 95% urinary infections with clinical symptoms. The factor, which causes bladder infection is E.Coli Bacterium and in 5-15% bacterial cases, the said bacterium is “Staphlococcus Saprophyticus”. From among predisposing factors for emergence of urinary tract infection, the following items may be pointed out:
1.    Sexual intercourse
2.    Pregnancy
3.    Lack of estrogen due to menopause of hysterectomy
4.    Urinary tract occlusion due to tumors or calculi in the said tract
5.    Incomplete discharge of bladder due to neurologic problems such as cerebral stroke, myelin injuries and diabetes
6.    Remain of urine in bladder due to vesicocele, bladder prolapse
From among common symptoms of urinary tract infection, we may point out dysuria, frequent urination, urinary urgency and fever in some cases.