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It is necessary to eat foods and to provide nutrients for health. Further to the quality of consuming foodstuffs, they must undergo digestion and absorption process in body in order to be used. Digestive system complications may disturb the said process, reducing joy of eating. Common complaints are namely emphysema, refulx and feeling heaviness after having a meal, and nausea, which all are signs of Dyspepsia.
Usually, dyspepsia appears after eating and disappears within a few hours. Omitting foodstuff from one’s diet helps dyspepsia be obviated. For example, one may point out high fat foodstuffs, which are problematic for many persons. Dyspepsia, which takes long periods, is usually associated with generating stomach acid.  Although it is possible that pyloric valve   is weak or damaged, stomach acid liquid may reflect to esophagus and cause refulx.  Emphysema and burping appear due to swallowing air while eating or eating quickly or drinking carbonated beverages.
Avoiding carbonated drinks, practicing for eating slowly, for example using a fork for eating, avoiding drinking water while eating, observing the interval between eating and sleeping, and reducing volume of consuming food in one meal shall help the aforesaid complications be obviated.
A few complications associated with dyspepsia, are originated from ulcer of stomach or duodenum. Sometimes dyspepsia is observed among a few persons, with no ulcer. The main cause of dyspepsia is complications of gallbladder or it is developed as a result of stress and other spiritual emotions, which are known as “Irritative Bowl Syndrome”.
Problems with excretion are bothering for individuals. The individuals, who suffer from constipation, are recommended use fiber for 30 grams every day through eating grains, fruits and vegetables. Moreover, for health and improvement of function of digestive system, one shouldn’t forget to drink eight glasses of water every day.
It has been known that one of the approached for treatment and obviation of dyspepsia is to use herb extracts. A various range of herb extracts almost obviates different complications of digestive system and subside respective complications.  Some of herb extracts, with their usage, are presented to you as follows:
For esophageal reflex due to looseness of pyloric valve, Chamomile extract is useful.
Feeling heaviness and delay in digesting food are among bothering cases. Proteolytic enzymes such as bromelain, which exist in pineapple and papain that exists in Papaya expedite digestion of proteins. It is better the said enzymes be used 30-45 minutes before eating so that they help more desirable digestion of food in stomach. Fennel seeds are useful for treatment of cramping, emphysema and bloat. The said properties are due to existence of volatile oil named “Anethole” in the said seeds.
From among other medicinal herbs, one may point out ginger. Thanks to existence a huge quantity of volatile oil and scented essence named “Gingerol”, it is useful in treatment of dyspepsia. Using ginger in treatment of abdominal pains, nausea and diarrhea, dates back to four centuries before Christ birth. Ginger improves stomach movements and enjoys anti-spasm property. The said medicinal herb is also useful for obviating pregnancy nausea. Using ginger is not dangerous for mother and her fetus.
From among regional and traditional herbs of Iran, which are used for treatment and relief of emphysema, spasm and abdominal pains, one may name "Cumin". The said herb contains Carvone and Limonene. Moreover, scented ingredients of the said herb create anti-microbial property due to oil, which exists in its seed.
Aloe Vera has been introduced by FDA of America as an efficacious laxative compound, at the same level as “Coronilla”. It should be pointed out that the patients, suffering from renal disorders, are not recommended to use Aloe Vera.
Another natural compound, which is useful for health of bowl and digestive system is “fermented rice starch”, which is mostly used in Japan and East Asia. Nowadays, the said compound is provided for people all over the world in form of supplement. In fact, said compound is a kind of Probiotics and increase growth of useful and proper bacteria in bowl and eventually, it helps more desirable digestion of nutrients, leading to change of pH of bowl and improvement of intestinal environment accordingly.
Using the essence of the aforesaid herb altogether removes dyspepsia and it is effective for maintaining health of digestive system and eventually doubles joy of eating with no fear or stress about complications, which may occur after eating.

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