یاقوت سلامت -
بازدید: 4116

Amino acids, which exist in the said plant soften hard cells. The element of zinc exiting in Aloe Vera, as an astringent, acts to harden existing pores on skin. Moisturizing effect of Aloe Vera is used in treatment of skin dryness. This reduces dryness and redness of skin accordingly.
In an interview with ISNA, Dr Ameneh Ameri pointed out that presently Aloe Vera extract is widely used in cosmetic and hygienic protract due to its rejuvenating, healing and softening properties. She further added: “Aloe Vera enjoys moisturizing and anti-aging effects and mukopolisakarida in the said plant help skin preserve its moisture. Stimulating fibroblasts, Aloe Vera causes synthesis of collagen and elastin. The said fibers cause skin has elastic property and it is wrinkled less. Moreover, Amino Acids existing in Aloe Vera soften hard cells and the element of Zinc, which exists in the said Plant acts as an astringent to harden pores on skin. Moisturizing property of Aloe Vera is used in treatment of skin dryness and reduces dryness and redness of skin accordingly.    
Considering probable side-effects of Aloe Vera, Dr Ameri stated: “Probable side-effects of Aloe Vera may appear in form of redness, irritation, tingling, and dermatitis among individuals. The said allergic reactions are due to antrakinons such as aloveen and barbaloin. It is recommended a person try Aloe Vera on a small area on skin in order to become sure whether she/he is sensitive to Aloe Vera or not.

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