Beta-carotene is a red-orange pigment found in plants and fruits, especially carrots and colorful vegetables.
The name beta-carotene comes from the Greek beta and Latin carota (carrot). It is the yellow/orange pigment that gives vegetables and fruits their rich colors. H. Wachenroder crystallized beta-carotene from carrot roots in 1831, and came up with the name "carotene".
Beta-carotene's chemical formula - C40H56 - was discovered in 1907.
The human body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A (retinol) - beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A. We need vitamin A for healthy skin and mucus membranes, our immune system, and good eye health and vision.
Beta-carotene in itself is not an essential nutrient, but vitamin A is. Beta-carotene from food is a safe source of vitamin A Vitamin A can be sourced from the food we eat, through beta-carotene, for example, or in supplement form. The advantage of dietary beta-carotene is that the body only converts as much as it needs.
Excess vitamin A is toxic. Toxic vitamin A levels can occur if you consume too many supplements. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant
A Flamingo
The flamingo's characteristic red-orange color is caused by beta-carotene in their diet.
Beta-carotene, like all carotenoids, is an antioxidant. An antioxidant is a substance that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules; it protects the body from free radicals. Free radicals damage cells through oxidation. Eventually, the damage caused by free radicals can cause several chronic illnesses.
Several studies have shown that antioxidants through diet help people's immune systems, protect against free radicals, and lower the risk of developing cancer and heart disease. Some studies have suggested that those who consume at least four daily servings of beta-carotene rich fruits and/or vegetables have a lower risk of developing cancer or heart disease. Which foods are rich in beta-carotene? The following foods are rich in beta-carotene:
Chinese cabbage
Dandelion leaves
Herbs & Spices - chilli powder, oregano, paprika, parsley
Many margarines
Sweet potatoes
Urinary infection: A nightmare for women
Infection of urinary tract is one of the most prevalent bacterial infections among women. According to statistics, almost half of women have experienced infection of urinary tract at least once in their lifetime. Many of such women also develop recurrent infections as well. In fact, bladder infection (cystic) is responsible for 95% urinary infections with clinical symptoms. The factor, which causes bladder infection is E.Coli Bacterium and in 5-15% bacterial cases, the said bacterium is “Staphlococcus Saprophyticus”. From among predisposing factors for emergence of urinary tract infection, the following items may be pointed out:
1. Sexual intercourse
2. Pregnancy
3. Lack of estrogen due to menopause of hysterectomy
4. Urinary tract occlusion due to tumors or calculi in the said tract
5. Incomplete discharge of bladder due to neurologic problems such as cerebral stroke, myelin injuries and diabetes
6. Remain of urine in bladder due to vesicocele, bladder prolapse
From among common symptoms of urinary tract infection, we may point out dysuria, frequent urination, urinary urgency and fever in some cases.
Enjoyment of a comfort and continuous sleep at night is necessary for refreshment, soothing the nerves, cheerfulness and health. All individuals at different age groups are recommended sleep 7-8 hours at night during 24 hours. Insomnia causes such diseases as hypertension, cardiac disorder, depression and obesity. Nowadays, insomnia is propounded as a health problem in societies. It appears in forms of problems in falling asleep, repetitive awakening during night, with inability or problem in falling asleep again, awakening early in the morning, and sleep that doesn’t bring refreshment. Such problems are increased upon aging in such an away as about 50% of seniors are affected by such problems as described above and subsequently, their life quality will be decreased. Insomnia and sleep problems appear with no diseases or specific conditions among some individuals. While it is possible that an individual suffer from insomnia due to such diseases as arthrosis, cancer, heartburn or pain or drinking alcoholic drinks.
It is certain that the said problem will be a threat for health of an individual and may bring about irretrievable damages in the future in social, occupational and family views. Identifying causes of insomnia and obviating such cause may minimize respective damages caused by insomnia. Thus, according to the studies contracted in this regard, about 80% cases of insomnia can be treated by identifying its causes. Such simple recommendations as walking toward bed, and sleeping and awakening at certain hour shall help normal rhythm of sleep. Also, avoiding heavy supper, fatty food before sleep and physical activity before sleep shall facilitate comfort sleep. Using sleeping pills is recommended by physicians in some cases. But there are still many persons who don’t like to use such medicines because of such complications as decrease of concentration, drowsiness, raise of falling down and car accidents. On the other hand, they are worried about addiction to such medicines and their ineffectiveness. Some people use herbal drinks in order to have comfort sleep at night. Some others use oral supplements. From among recommended supplements, there is a compound, which is naturally generated in human body and it is Melatonin. In fact, Melatonin is a hormone compound, of which function is similar to clock in our body. It is responsible for designating time in day and even year for body. In addition to regulating biological clock, thanks to its antioxidant property, the said hormone is of great interest. Researches have revealed the effect of Melatonin with a dosage of 2 milligrams for improvement of quality of sleep without drowsiness during day. Thus, some physicians recommend the individuals who suffer from insomnia, receive Melatonin. On the other hand, as the said compound naturally exists in our body, it has no similar complications to those of sleeping pills. It should be noted that regulating body’s biological clock improves life quality of adults and also it will be helpful for growth process of children accordingly.
Moreover, considering the individuals who are affected by jetlag during long journeys and their sleep regulation is disturbed, receiving Melatonin helps them achieve normal sleep rhythm. Moreover, avoiding caffeine drinks such as coffee and sleep during air flight is helpful for prevention of jetlag.
Receiving Melatonin for 3 mg per day reaches maximum serum concentration within 20-60 minutes after the said compound is received. Thus, individuals are recommended use Melatonin 30 or 60 minutes before sleep so that they shall benefit from regulating effect of the said hormone and their body biological clock shall be regulated accordingly.
Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world! It is produced from the saffron crocus flower (Crocus sativus). It is actually the dried stigmas (which are the insides of a flower that catch pollen) and has a deep auburn colour and sweet flavour. The stigmas can only be picked by hand as machines are not delicate enough. It takes 250,000 stigmas to make just half a kilo of saffron, hence its high price, however you only need a pinch as it is very strong.
The Crocus flower is native to Southwest Asia and some areas of Europe. Though it is often harvested to be used as a spice for cooking or for flavoring tea, it is also known to have many health benefits as an herbal supplement. Saffron has lost some of its popularity as a spice due to more common and affordable herbs and spices, yet it still remains as a herbal supplement because of its many medicinal benefits.
Many people do not know the numerous health benefits that can be gained from using a saffron herbal supplement. The amount of ailments it be used to treat is extensive. Below is a list of some of the more common ailments that an herbal saffron supplement can help with.
Saffron, when taken correctly, is effective at treating mild to moderate depression. It has been proven to be just as effective as some popular prescription medications for depression that is commonly prescribed by doctors to their patients. For it to be effective, the most important thing is to make certain that you are buying 100% real saffron from a reputable dealer. You also need to make sure that the saffron only consists of the red filaments.
When you receive the saffron, it is best to soak it in either broth, milk or warm water before you cook with it. This will help make it more potent when you add it to any recipe. If you do not want to cook with the saffron, an alternative way to use it to treat your depression would be to add it into a tea or some milk to consume. To make it, just mix at least ten strands of the saffron into your drink with some sweetener of your choice. Mix it well and enjoy. When taken at night, it can also help treat depression that is associated with insomnia.
Asthma can be a really frustrating problem for a lot of people. It can make it very difficult to breathe. The reason it makes it hard to breathe is because your lungs become inflamed. When your lungs become inflamed, your airways begin to restrict which causes less air to be able to pass through. Saffron helps to clear your airways making it easier for you to breath.
Sleeping Habits
If you are someone that has trouble sleeping, using a saffron herbal supplement can also help you to avoid those restless or sleepless nights. The best way to use saffron to help you sleep is by mixing it with some milk or tea and your favorite sweetener and then drinking it before bed.
Arteriosclerosis is a very dangerous condition in which the arteries begin to harden. When your arteries harden they have trouble transporting the amount of oxygen needed to different parts of the body. Because this condition is not easy to detect in early stages, it is vital to take precautions early on.
This is where using saffron as an herbal supplement can help. An herbal saffron supplement can decrease the chances of getting arteriosclerosis. The saffron acts as a stimulant and an antioxidant to help increase the circulation throughout the body.
According to research, saffron can also help aid in a person's fight with cancer. Cancer cells grow by building and creating their own blood supply in the body. Saffron is thought to help fight cancer by entering the cancer cells and sending them a signal to commit suicide (known as Apoptosis), thus leading to the cancer dying off. Saffron contains Carotenoids which are thought to cause toxic and deadly reactions to certain cancer cells in the body, such as leukemia cells, sarcoma cells, and cancerous carcinoma cells.
Menstrual Relief
For women who have irregular periods, they can take saffron to help regulate their menstruation. An herbal saffron supplement can help induce menstruation as well as help relieve pain that is associated with periods. Along with period relief, saffron can also help to reduce chronic uterus bleeding.
Backache and joint pains are our uncomfortable experiences for us. Nowadays, due to incorrect sitting position and work with computer long hours and unpreparedness of body muscles, the youth and middle age persons are at risk of said complications in such a way as 80% individuals refer to a physician at least once during our lifetime for treatment of low back pain. Moreover, obesity and diet of slight quantities of antioxidants expose us to chronic inflammatory diseases more than before.
Diagnosis of physicians is different based on joints involved and severity of inflammation. In most cases, arthrosis is the main problem among middle age and aged people. The said complication is accompanied by atrophy in morning. The problem of arthritis more occurs among young ladies. It starts on wrists more and then, other joints are involved accordingly. Hot and inflamed joints are evident symptoms of such complication.
Relief of backache and joint pains do need rest and observing some kinetic movements in order to prevent recurrence. In order to relief pain, physicians usually prescribe anti-inflammatory and non-steroid drug or glucocorticoids. However, patients are aware about side-effects of the said medicines including osteoporosis, gastric bleeding, they scare receiving the said medicines, seeking for a more safe and harmless ways for prevention of their pains. Meanwhile, using oral supplements and respective compounds, achieved from herbs, are among the cases, which are more reliable and highly appreciated by the patients, suffering from the said chronic complications.
But, which herbs may act pain relief and be effective in subsiding pain?
In the modern world, scientists believed in nature once again. They are thinking of clearing and separating panacea from the nature. From among extracts effective on subsiding joint pains and as inflammation, we may name Boswellia. The extract of the said herb enjoys anti-inflammatory property and is effective for subsiding pain for 200-400 mg , used three times every day. The extract of the said herb is also used for treatment of arthrosis and Arthritis and also improve movement ability and flexibility of joints, which are among the effects of consuming the said extract. No study has been done among pregnant and breast-feeding women with respect to consuming the said herb. The said extract is not recommended for the said group.
From among herbal extract of which usage dates back to civilization of Egypt and Ancient Rome, used as refrigerant and pain relief, we can point out skin of willow tree. Manuscripts about willow tree skin dates date back to 3500 years. Many ancient physicians namely Socrates recommended the said panacea as relief for rheumatic pains. Later, the effective purified matter of the said herb was called “Salicin”. The relief effect of Salicin on pain among the patients suffering from backache, arthrosis of pelvis and knee has been confirmed through different studies. Despite the fact that anti-pain effect of the willow tree skin is attributed to Salicin, there are still other compounds in the willow trea skin including Tanons and Flavonoids, which have a part in subsiding pain. The said compound by the patients, with past allergy to Aspirin and gastric ulcer must be used cautiously.
Another extract of a well-known herb is Corcomina, which is taken from turmeric. Turmeric is a kind of spice, which is used all over the world, especially in Asia and India in cooking as a spice. Corcomina, taken from turmeric has success effects as anti-cellular replacement, prohibiting generation of inflammatory mediums and prohibiting degenerative enzymes of joints such as Collagenase, Elastase and Hyaluronidase. The said extract shows useful and valuable effects among the patients, suffering from arthrosis and other diseases such as cardiac disorders, diabetes, and auto-immune disorders.
Due to their antioxidant property, vitamins and minerals may also show noticeable anti-inflammatory effects, subsiding joint inflammation. Moreover, some vitamins such as Vitamin C and minerals namely copper play undeniable role in restoration and regeneration of cartilage.
It seems that seeking in nature is an appropriate response to all pains. It is only required to ask nature so that it will reflect replies to our questions.
Saffron means "yellow" in Arabic because when used in cooking, it confers a yellow tint to foods. Harvesting saffron requires intensive labor; an estimated 75,000 flowers are need to produce just 1 lb. of saffron, according to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. As a result, it may have the highest market value of all herbs in the world. Unfortunately, saffron's purity is often compromised. Marigolds and other herbs are often added illegally to lower production costs. Be sure to buy saffron from a reputable source. Saffron contains medicinal substances such as vitamin B 2; crocin, a yellow flavonoid; picrocrocin, a bitter glycoside, and safranal, a volatile, aromatic compound. A physician should always be consulted prior to using saffron for medicinal purposes.
Treats Depression
The NYU Langone Medical Center notes that saffron might offer benefits for those suffering from depression. According to the website, saffron has comparable efficacy to fluoxetine for depression, but reports that conclusive studies are still needed to make a firm conclusion. Saffron may be beneficial when long-term treatments are needed to alleviate depression because there are no known side effects associated with taking the herb medicinally.
Supports Eyesight
A study conducted by Professor Silvia Bisti at ARC Centre of Excellence in Vision Science and University of L’Aquila in Italy, found that saffron may slow or prevent age-related vision loss and treat macular degeneration. Saffron is an anti-oxidant, but it appears to have additional qualities that particularly affect vision. The researchers found that saffron may alter genes responsible for the fatty acid content vision cell membranes, which impacts the strength and resilience of eye tissue.
Improves Memory
Saffron contains compounds called crocetin and crocin that may improve memory and cognitive processing, These properties may be a useful for treating degenerative brain disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, according to a study published in the "Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics" in 2010. Memory and cognitive decline are common disorders in the elderly population, and saffron is a relatively mild treatment that may be effective.
Treats Cancer
Saffron may fight cancerous tumor growth according to website The action of the herb is not known, however, saffron may prevent tumors from spreading while leaving the healthy cells unaffected. Saffron may also be effective used concurrently with some conventional cancer treatments, while leaving the medication's effects unadulterated.