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The researchers of medical sciences are of this opinion that Mediterranean diet, full of vegetables, fruits, fish and olive oil, prevents cerebral stroke.
As reported by the reporter of borderless physicians’ website, researchers of Navarra University Clinic in Spain emphasize that fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, and olive oil and an average level of fish and chicken prevent cerebral stroke.
Dr. Ramon Storch from Internal Medicine Ward of the Clinic of a hospital in Barcelona of Spain and Dr. Martinez Gonzales, Preventive Medicine Department of Public Health of Navarra University Clinic stated: “Danger of cerebral stroke has been decreased among the individuals, who benefited from Mediterranean diet”.
Spanish researchers have commented that they contracted the said researches on 7447 candidates, who were allowed to consume high quantity of calorie without exercising.
Candidates in the said research have determined one of three diets at random.
Mediterranean diet contained dried fruits, olive oil, fish, chicken, low dairies, red meat or processed meat or pastries, olive oil supplements, and the Mediterranean diet contained dried fruits, low fat food, including bread, potato and macaroni.
Researchers studied the candidates at the age of 55-88 for the entire five years. All individuals were at high risk of cardiac disorders. However, none of them has had cardiovascular problems upon commencement of the said research.
These researches, which were published in New England Medical Journal, compared the individuals who were benefiting from low fat diet and those who were benefiting from Mediterranean diet, enriched with olive oil.
The results of the said researches have revealed that cerebral stroke has been decreased by 46% among the individuals, who benefited from Mediterranean diet.
In Mediterranean diet, there are a huge quantity of vegetable foods such as fruits, vegetables, breads and other materials, made of grains, potato, cereals, and other grains; foods are made of materials, which are fresh and seasonal, grown in the said region and the least process is done during cooking process on the said foods accordingly.
Fresh fruits in the said diet are consumed as daily desserts. Pastries, containing concentrated sugar  or honey are consumed several times every week.
Olive oil is a main source, providing fat of the said diet. Dairy protract, especially cheese and yogurt are consumed every day at low or medium level. Fish and chicken are used at low or medium level. One to four eggs are consumed every week. Red meat is consumed low.

Scientists have produced a kind of headband. One may put this specific kind of headband on his/her forehead for 30 days every day in order to prevent migraine headaches.
This tool, which is called Cefaly, transmits electrical pulses to the nerve above eye bowel, controlling the sense inside and surrounding the eye.
As reported by Mehr, according to a study, of which results have been published in Neurology Journal, researchers have found that disabling headaches of the individuals who use this specific kind of headband have been decreased by about 1/3rd .
Using the said headband, number of individuals, whose migraine headaches have been reduced by 1/2nd , has been tripled.
Professor Jean Shonen, from Belgium University, stated: “This specific kind of headband is devised across the forehead and the patient must use the said headband for 20 minutes every day”. As stated by the above-named, this treatment causes side-effects.
The above-named researcher further added: “The results obtained from this fresh treatment method are too much similar to the medicines, prescribed for prevention of occurrence of migraine headaches. However, the said medicines usually cause many side-effects and eventually, the patients have to stop using the said medicines.
In this study, 67 persons, with four migraine seizures on average per month have been studied for four months, receiving no treatment.
The candidates were divided into two groups. One group was stimulated by electrical pulses for three months, 20 minutes every day. The second group was treated for the similar period, using a device (a device with electrical pulses of low or no effect).
Researchers have found that these underwent real irritation, number of days during which they suffer from migraine headaches has been decreased by 1/3 per month. It means that number of such days has been reached from seven to five days while no changes have been observed in another group using device.

Chronic venous insufficiency is the main cause of Varicose Veins disease. While chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is the most prevalent cause for leg pain and its inflation, this insufficiency occurs when venous valves lack the required performance and blood circulation in leg is impaired.
20% of adults suffer from this disease and on this basis the number of women is higher than men.
In this new treatment method, the disabled value is replaced with an efficient implant.
At the present time, this implant is not prepared to be used in the patients' bodies and it is in the trial phase.
In case this implant is put into practice, most vascular diseases can be treated through this method.
It should be mentioned that Erbaven Retard is one of the highly popular products of Yaghout Company. Besides causing positive effects in those patients suffering from varicose veins, this product has also been effective in the re-health of feet.

Relying on unsparing efforts and endeavors of the researchers of Infectious and Tropical Diseases Research Center of Esfahan University of Medical Sciences, a new species of mycobacterium has been discovered, registered to Iran at global scientific banks under the name of “Mycobacterium Iranicum”.
As reported by ISNA,  “Mycobacterium”, which was discovered by Dr Hassan Shojaee, Professor of Esfahan University of Medical Sciences and his research team, causes Semi-tuberculosis Meningitis as well skin lesions in human body.
As stated by Dr. Shojaee, the said bacterium has simultaneously been discovered at six research centers in Greek, the Netherlands, Sweden, USA, Italy and Iran. Since Iran has introduced the said bacterium to International Committee for Registration of Microbes sooner, new Mycobacterium has been registered to the discovering country i.e. Iran under the name of Mycobacterium Iranicum.

Researchers of medical sciences are of this opinion that respective results of a research done on a few patients, suffering from colorectal cancer has shown that decrease of mortality only occurs by prescribing Aspirin for a group of patients, suffering from colorectal cancer. It should be noted that a mutation has been identified in CA3PIK gene of the aforesaid patients.
As reported by the reporter for the site of Borderless Physicians, Aspirin or “Acetylsalicylic Acid” is the highly-appreciated medicines all over the globe. Every year, 50,000 Millions of tablets of Aspirin are consumed through the world.
Following a 12-year research, researchers further added that during said period prescribing Aspirin to the patients, suffering from colorectal cancer, with such genetic mutation, described earlier, has decreased mortality caused by the said kind of cancer by 80%, compared to those patients, who have not taken the said medicine.
In Britain, every individual consumes 70 tables of Aspirin together with other pain killers, Caffeine or Vitamin C.
Further to its property as a pain killer, Aspirin is also a medicine used as refrigerant and anti-inflammation medicine. Moreover, consuming Aspirin has also indicated such side-effects as gastric ulcers and prevents blood clotting.
However, nowadays Aspirin is used in the following cases:
Prevention of cardiac disorders by 37.6%, arthritis by 23.3%, headache by 12.2%, body pains by 12.2% and other pains by 14.1%.
Other results obtained from this research reveal that this dropping trend of mortality has not been observed among other individuals, receiving Aspirin, but with no such genetic mutation as described earlier.
Colon and rectum cancer, which is also known as Colorectal Cancer, is the second main cause of death caused by cancers among men and the third main cause of death caused by cancers among women. On a whole, the five-year survival for colorectal is given as 58%, compared to other cancers, which are diagnosed at primary stages given as 89%.
It should be noted that following an appropriate diet such as eating low fat foods, eating fibers, fruits and vegetables as well as doing physical activities may prevent development of colorectal cancer.
The results obtained from the said research have been published in New England Medical Journal Accordingly.

In a new achievement the American scientists have successfully manufactured a new manual system which injects a small ice bell under the skin and in this way it prevents from pain transmission in the patients suffering from arthritis.
The effect of this outpatient treatment which takes less then a few minutes is similar to local anesthetics; however, it has a longer effect.
Now the scientists have began a larger trial by using this method and have tested that on the patients suffering from knee arthritis.
When cartilages at the end of bones are destroyed as the result of abrasion, bones overlap and experience friction causing pain.
One out of each adult suffers from knee arthritis. Treatments for this pain encompass a range of steroid injections and calmatives to surgery and replacement of joints.
This system is called Cryo-Touch system and is a non-surgical approach which removes pharmaceutical need.
This icy treatment is a kind of Cryotherapy in which physicians use very cold temperatures to treat different diseases.
This treatment is used for different skin diseases including freezing of small skin cancers and benign tumors such as wart.
Cryotherapy is also used to treat prostate cancer in which physicians freeze cancer cells.
Researchers have recently used this method for the pain of joints especially in elbow, knee and shoulder.
This modern system that has been approved for use in UK is constituted of three stainless steel needles which are connected to a cylinder containing fluid nitrogen oxide.
These needles are designed to prevent from transmission of this very cold material into tissues which may cause serious injuries in case of contact.
Instead, when the fluid exits from the needle, it will change into gas due to very high pressure. This causes the needle to become very cold and an icy ball is produced on its top. In this system, three needles are used to increase the icy ball volume.
These needles are plunged within a few millimeters under the skin. Then, the system starts and a small icy ball is formed under the skin.
This icy ball damages to the blood vessels that transmit blood to the peripheral nerves around the joint. These nerves cannot send pain signs without any blood source.
Each treatment takes about 5 minutes. The physician lets the icy ball to become warm and then pulls out the needles.
A former human research conducted by the University of Washington with a similar technology showed that this treatment was effective for some patients and its effect remained for eight months.
The pain returns with the growth of new blood vessels and reactivation of nerves. In such case, another injection period may be effective.

As reported by Mehr News Agency, the achievement of the biologists of California University in San Diego in using seaweed for generating a medicine for treatment of cancer, has been published in the Journal of “Articles of National Academy of Sciences” and has opened doors for generating this protein and other proteins in more and cheaper quantities.
Stephan Mifield, Professor of Biology of California University in San Diego and Head of Center of San Diego Seaweed Biotechnology Center, as a research Institute, working on generating of biological fuel from seaweed, stated: “Since we generate the said medicine using the said seaweed, it is possible to decease its protraction cost accordingly”.
This method may be used for more advanced and modern plans of medicine so that the said medicines will be used for treatment of cancer and other forms of human diseases in new forms.
He further added: “The said medicines can’t be generated from bacterium because bacteria lack bending proteins: in three-dimensional complicated forms. Moreover, said proteins can’t be generated from cells of mammals because poison will damage the same.  
This achievement has been obtained pursuant to seven years of working at laboratory in order to find that “Chlamydomonas Reinhardt” is a kind of green seaweed, which is mainly used in biological laboratories is a genetic model of organism, which may generate a wide range of medical proteins used for humans, at remarkable quantities and even at low cost compared to bacteria and cells of mammals.
Mayfield et al have achieved the first progress five years ago. At that time, they could generate Amyloid protein serum from seaweed. One year later, said researchers could obtain a human antibody protein from seaweed and in 2010, they showed that a more complicated protein, which is used as a human medicine for treatment of patients, suffering from pulmonary Emphysema, may be obtained from seaweed accordingly.
As their latest achievement, the said scientist could generate a three dimensional and complicated protein with domain benefiting from seaweed genetic engineering. One of the said domains contains one antibody, which is joined to carcinoma cells and another domain contains a poison, which limits cancer cells.
Presently, this protein fusion, which has been done from seaweed by scientists at laboratory is a complicated process, which is being generated by pharmaceutical companies, spending over 100,000.- Dollars for this purpose. However, since the said protein has been generated from seaweed in laboratory, it may  be possible to decrease respective costs accordingly.

A sub-specialist in cornea pointed that application of the new method of Femto-LASIK for treatment of cornea diseases and especially for correction of eye refractive disorders, and further added: “Using this kind of laser, surgeries on cornea is done more precisely and quickly in such a way as such operation takes less than one minute and the patient is able to resume his work the day after this surgery. Dr Seyed Javad Hashemian stated on the new method of Femto-LASIK used for treatment of cornea diseases: Femto-LASIK is one of the most modern method for correction of myopia and hyperopia as well as astigmatism. Femtosecond laser enjoys various applications in ophthalmology including making incisions on cornea, treatment of glaucoma and some complications with retina.
He further added: “Presently, this new system has been devised in many specialized eye hospitals. This kind of laser, with a length of 1053 is in the range of infrared lights. It is able to pass through various spaces, making incisions on each axle. Consequently, this kind of laser has helped us make kinds of surgical incisions on all directions and axles.
He further added: “Nowadays, this method is used in surgeries on cornea such as layer grafting and the surgeries, which does require that a stent be devised in cornea thickness. This stent is also used for correction of refractive disorders through a flap (making in incision on cornea). Respective advantages of the said surgery, which is done by the help of Femtosecond laser are namely more preciseness, less complications and high speed”. Stating that previously during provision method of flap using LASIK, error coefficient could have caused that the said flap lacks desirable quality and appearance”. He also stated: “However, such problems as described above have been removed now because accuracy of the said device in preparing the said flap is really at higher level and it is controllable as it has been made considering cornea cut cellulose structure. Thus, respective surgery may be design and performed proportionate to conditions of each patient.
The above-named sub-specialist in cornea has also emphasized on the fact that complications of such surgeries have decreased to a large extent and he added: “This method is useful especially for those who are not able to go through other methods including surface cornea laser, P.R.P and LASEK.    He also stated: “There are different methods, used for correction of refractive disorders. However, in the patients, who are candidates for LASIK surgery, the said operation shall be performed more precisely and reliably using femtolaser equipment”.

Benefiting from kind assistance of a group of top specialists of the country in organic medicines, Sepid Teb Nia Pharmaceutical Research and Development Company has celebrated honorable commencement of its activity in Sept of this year. In the said eve, Dr Seyed Jafar Mir Fakhraee, Secretary of Syndicates for Manufacturers of Herbal Medicines stated that accomplishment of various projects in the country in the areas of pharmaceutical engineering, molecular biology and formulation promises ever-increasing promotion of scientific level and realization of divine goals of health in the society and the most significant reliance of practitioners in the said area is to obtain the most important and effective achievements in the said industry. Moreover, Ms Dr Pour Shaghaghi, Managing Director of Sepid Teb Nia Company stated on scientific characteristics of the said center and further added: Thanks to valuable knowledge and scientific learning of its colleagues, Sepid Teb Nia Company has the capability to exchange technologies for producing herbal medicines and supplements at global quality standard levels through active and well-known producers all over the world (especially European producers) to our beloved homeland, Iran, the said Company may act upon development of new formulations, innovation in taking the best advantages of fresh compounds and materials, and eventually producing distinguished products in the Middle East.
Moreover, Dr Seyed Hossein Etemadi, the founder of Yaghout Rooyan Corporation, stated that he was grateful with accomplishment of the aforesaid project. He further added that being pioneer in presenting essential approaches with respect to public health promotion shall be an honor for this Company because we all do believe that the most significant concern of each Iranian individual is to serve his beloved homeland and to Iranians. He pointed out that materialization of research projects in the said field, modification of pharmaceutical problems of people of different classes, optimization of safety-pharmaceutical standards in the nation and reengineering of production procedures in the said area all designate growingly jump of the said industry. In conclusion, he stated his hopefulness for registration of new medicines, manufactured by the said Company in near future with scientific circles and distribution of the same in global production markets accordingly. He also pleaded with Almighty God for ever-increasing success of health practitioners across the nation.

Food and Drug Administration of America has confirmed generating the first vaccine for cancer, which entered into a new era of treatment of cancers all over the world.
This vaccine, under the name of “Provenge” has been generated, aiming at treatment of prostate cancer. The said vaccine has been used during clinical test periods and, compared to placebos, the said vaccine could increase lifetime of patients for four months. This medicine is not regarded as a procedure for treatment or prevention of the respective disease and it is not similar to the vaccines, which have been generated for treatment of measles or Hepatitis. But, it is regarded as a treatment vaccine. It means that the said vaccine may improve immunity system of patients.  Ten samples of vaccines have been generated for treatment of cancer so far. However, “Provenge” vaccine is the first sample, which has been confirmed by FDA. Non-confirmation of the said medicine had led to severe objection of patients and investors for about three years. The said vaccine is manufactured for each patient according to an order placed for this purpose. It means that while blood globules of a patient are collected and specific immunity cells are extracted from the said cells accordingly. Then, final cells are injected to the patient for three times within a one-month period. The said vaccines costs 93,000.- Dollars. Common treatment procedures of cancer namely radiotherapy, chemotherapy and even prostatectomy shall cause many damages to patients. Thus, a medicine, which is able to stimulate and to improve natural body immunity system of patients may be regarded a valuable replacement for the said procedures. Extent of side-effects of the said vaccine is too limited including fever, fatigue and pain. According to the report of Pop Science, Provenge Vaccine is used for the patients, who suffering from prostate cancer, with metastasis to their entire body. In 2009, National Cancer Institute of America reported about 192000 new cases of Prostate Cancer. About 27000 patients out of the said cases died due to the said disease.

Researches of scientists of Oklahoma have revealed that fundamental cells, extracted from lipid tissue during liposuction process may be used for development of new blood vessels of low diameter, used in by-pass surgery and other processes accordingly.
Millions of patients, suffering from cardiovascular disorders do need grafting thin vessels for the processes, which do require return of blood to blocked vessels.  The vessels obtained from liposuction, which are developed in laboratories, may help solve the main problems, associated with grafting of blood vessels from other parts of body or artificial vessels, which are not live tissues.
The said researches have changed fundamental cells, obtained from lipid to soft muscular cells at laboratory and then, they develop the said cells on a thin membrane of Collagen, which has been devised inside a tube as much as a tiny blood vessel.
Researchers hope that they would be able to test the said prefabricated samples of the said technology on animals in the next six months.
The said research has been presented in scientific conferences of basic sciences of cardiology of American Heart Association.

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An English Company is going through the process of obtaining a license to use a new vaccine, which prevents development of Meningitis- Type B. This Company has claimed that the said vaccine will be presented to the word in near future.
As reported by reporter for the site of Borderless Physicians, Meningitis is an inflammation of myelin and cerebral membrane, affecting most of the adolescences with a mortality of 14-15%. Many patients, who have recovered, are affected by permanent neural injuries or have lost their hearing forever.
Certain vaccines have been produced in order to campaign against Meningitis of types A and C. However, none of the said vaccines has been effective for Meningitis of Type B. Meningitis of Type A is the most prevalent type of the said disease in Africa.
Meningitis of Type B is the most common type of the said complication in Europe. This fatal disease kills one out of ten patients, who suffer from the said complication. Even if the said disease is treated, 1/5th of those patients who had this kind of disease suffer from neural or hearing complications forever.
On average, 1870 cases of Meningitis of Type B are reported ever year in England. 200 cases out of total reported ones die due to the said disease. Half of those who die because of this type of Meningitis are kids, who are below five years.
Furthermore, over 400 kids, suffering from the said disease are affected by severe complications namely impairment, blindness, deafness, and cerebral injuries.
Although it has been reported that vaccination plans for campaign against other types of Meningitis were successful in England, presently, there is no vaccine against Meningitis of Type B in the nation.
Meningo Cocci B or Meningitis of Type B is the most prevalent type of bacterium meningitis in England. This type of Meningitis is regarded as the most fatal diseases as well.
Since there are many varieties of Meningitis of Type B, producing respective vaccine, which could prevent development of the said disease is a difficult task.
Bexsero is the first vaccine, which prevents development of the fatal type of Meningo Cocci B, which in some cases leads to death only within a few hours.
European Medical Institute which supervises over a supervising organization of medicines in England has stated its auspicious decision to use the aforesaid vaccine. Thus, it so seems that this vaccine is effective and using the same is not dangerous either.
This is the first step, taken in confirming procedure of the said vaccine. According to the said report, authorization for use of the said vaccines will be issued within the next three months accordingly.

An anti-cancer medicine of “Taxotere”, has been produced at laboratory quantities, thanks to unsparing efforts of researchers and professors of Research Institute of Medicinal Raw Materials and Herbals of Shahid Beheshti University.
As reported by scientific service of ISNA, Docetaxel under the name of “Taxotere”, is one of the mostly consumed and the most expensive medicines of high frequency, used for control and treatment of such cancers as ovaries, prostates, breast, lungs and the ones.  
Presently, over 6 kilograms of the said medicine, equivalent of 50,000,000.- Dollars  is used in Iran. The said medicine is exclusively produced by a limited number of countries.
“Docetaxel is a semi-synthetic D amide, similar to Paklitaxel (a similar medicine), which is synthesized from a precursor material, derived from the leaves of  Taxus Bacca tree.
Presently, all production stages of the said medicine including synthesis and purification are done at laboratory quantity at Research Institute of Medicinal Raw Materials and Herbals of Shahid Beheshti University and it is possible to present the said medicine to pharmaceutical industry accordingly.

Mr. Seyed Hosein Etemadi Monfared ,PhD,the founder of Yaghoot Rooyan Holding Group announced that the Ministry Of Health and Medical Sciences (MOH) issued the permission of principled agreement for constructing the pharmaceutical raw material manufacturing factory.
“ this permission is issued under the name of Sepid Teb Nia International Co. as one the subsets of Yaghoot Rooyan Holding group after the  legal committee of assessment of Eligibility for production and import of drugs and Biologic Materials study and confirmation” Mr. Etemadi added while noting this issue.
He declared that the Supplements and Specific Foods of MOH has agreed with the pharmaceutical raw material import under the name of Nano Sepid Farmed Co. as another subsets of Yaghoot Rooyan Holding Group and added “these macro- projects based on this permission are aimed to promote the supply chain of pharmaceutical raw material and cooperate with internal and overseas industries and drug research centers emphasizing communication system with manufacturers.

Mr. Etemadi, PHD, also said that Hasti Daroo Darman international Co. as one of the Yaghoot Rooyan Holding Group also could obtain the principled agreement for establishment of co-laboratory in the field of Hygienics and cosmetics, food supplements, and specialized laboratories for hair color from technical committee of assessment and approval of allowed laboratories inside the country. So this company can observe the realization of new processes according to the last research and scientific achievements from now on.

The Yaghoot Rooyan Holding Group founder also expressed at the final part of his press conference “one of the most outstanding achievements of this Holding is obtain the permission for production of some food supplements such as Beta caroten, B12, L-citrolin,L-Ajenine and many other kinds of drugs under the name of Sepid Teb Nia International Co. from Ministry Of Health and Medical Sciences and also the permission for production special establishment, designing and assembling some of the Hygienic and cosmetic products under the name of Asal Daroo Kish International Co. from the ministry of industry, mine and commerce . we proud of all these achievements.”

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