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The American researches intend to use 3D print technology for replacement of 75% of the skull of a patient.     
Three-dimensional printed implants may be used for restoration skull bone of the patients, suffering from cancer or those who are injured due a car accident.
“Scott Defelice”, Manager of Oxford Performance Materials emphasizes: “3D print technology has covered all sectors of orthopedic industry. The advantage of this technology refers to possibility for provision of scanned digital model of a patients’ skull and layer print of the said sensitive part by the help of a three-dimensional printer.
Precise 3D print method may be used for manufacture of tiny surfaces or those with subtle details including cellular replacement for joining bones.
This Company is regarded as one of the manufacturers and exporters of 3D print implants.   The said Company has recently obtained respective license from Food and Drug Administration of America for implanting the first 3D print skull and it is ready to perform implanting surgery on 300-400 patients whose skull has been damaged and fractured.
Researchers are working on design and manufacture of various pieces of bones of human body using 3D print technology and performing much sensitive skull implanting surgery may establish suitable grounds for such surgery on other bones accordingly.

Researchers have recently found that it is possible to easily predict extent of violence and aggression among boys only through conducting a simple test.
In the said test, a study has been done on 17 boys of 7-9 years old and value of Testosterone and Androsterone (DHEA) hormones and that of Cortisol existing in the saliva of the said boys have been measured daily.
The results of researches have revealed that concentration of the said hormones in the sample saliva shall predict extent of violation and aggression among the said kids.
Quick and simultaneous evaluation of extent of violence among adolescences is of great importance for psychiatric and clinical treatments.
Awareness about extent of stress and study of emotional conditions of adolescences, especially during maturity period, sets a desirable model for parents and educational instructors and it causes that least hurts occur for the adolescences during said period accordingly.

Chronic venous insufficiency is the main cause of Varicose Veins disease. While chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is the most prevalent cause for leg pain and its inflation, this insufficiency occurs when venous valves lack the required performance and blood circulation in leg is impaired.
20% of adults suffer from this disease and on this basis the number of women is higher than men.
In this new treatment method, the disabled value is replaced with an efficient implant.
At the present time, this implant is not prepared to be used in the patients' bodies and it is in the trial phase.
In case this implant is put into practice, most vascular diseases can be treated through this method.
It should be mentioned that Erbaven Retard is one of the highly popular products of Yaghout Company. Besides causing positive effects in those patients suffering from varicose veins, this product has also been effective in the re-health of feet.





( Sweet potatoes, also commonly labeled as yams, are an excellent and inexpensive staple to have on hand. These deep orange-fleshed nutritional powerhouses add several important components to the diet. Their health and weight management benefits far exceed the nutritional value found in ordinary white and yellow fleshed potatoes.

Superior fiber content

Sweet potatoes contain almost twice as much fiber as other types of potatoes. Contributing close to 7 grams of fiber per serving, they make an excellent starchy addition to any meal. The high fiber content gives them a "slow burning" quality. This basically means their caloric energy is used more slowly and efficiently than a low-fiber carbohydrate.


They contain a large amount of vitamin B6. This vitamin is crucial in breaking down a substance called homocysteine, which contributes to hardening of the arteries and blood vessels. Vitamin B6 helps keep the walls of these important blood passageways flexible and healthy which allows blood to flow freely.

In addition, sweet potatoes contain high amounts of potassium. Potassium plays an important role in lowering blood pressure by ridding the body of excess sodium and regulating fluid balance. It is also an important electrolyte that helps regulate the natural rhythm of the heart, and maintains normal function of the brain and central nervous system.

Rich in beta-carotene

Beta-carotene or vitamin A is an important antioxidant. One medium sweet potato provides your body with the complete recommended daily allowance of vitamin A and then some. Vitamin A is useful in the prevention of several different types of cancer as it is one of the most potent antioxidants out there.

Beta-carotene also helps to internally protect your skin from sun damage by both deflecting and repairing cell damage caused by excessive UV exposure. It also is an excellent nutrient for eye health and has been linked to prevention of vision loss and macular degeneration.

A great source of manganese

Manganese is a little-discussed trace mineral that has some great health benefits. It is a pivotal component in the metabolism of carbohydrates which helps support healthy blood sugar levels. This can help stabilize the appetite for hours as opposed to the temporary satisfaction that comes with most other carbohydrates.

It also is a cofactor in enzymes that play an important role in the generation of energy as well as the efficient utilization of antioxidants. It is used for the treatment of anemia and is useful as a treatment for several premenstrual symptoms in women as well.

Rich in vitamins C and E

As if being one of the top vegetable sources of beta-carotene weren't enough, sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamins C and E. These are potent antioxidant vitamins that play an important role in disease prevention and longevity.

Both vitamins also play a huge role in the health and beauty of your skin and hair, making them popular supplements. The combination of beta-carotene, vitamin E and vitamin C in one food makes the sweet potato one heck of a "beauty food". These nutrients all contribute to a healthy, glowing complexion and vibrant hair.





An English Company is going through the process of obtaining a license to use a new vaccine, which prevents development of Meningitis- Type B. This Company has claimed that the said vaccine will be presented to the word in near future.
As reported by reporter for the site of Borderless Physicians, Meningitis is an inflammation of myelin and cerebral membrane, affecting most of the adolescences with a mortality of 14-15%. Many patients, who have recovered, are affected by permanent neural injuries or have lost their hearing forever.
Certain vaccines have been produced in order to campaign against Meningitis of types A and C. However, none of the said vaccines has been effective for Meningitis of Type B. Meningitis of Type A is the most prevalent type of the said disease in Africa.
Meningitis of Type B is the most common type of the said complication in Europe. This fatal disease kills one out of ten patients, who suffer from the said complication. Even if the said disease is treated, 1/5th of those patients who had this kind of disease suffer from neural or hearing complications forever.
On average, 1870 cases of Meningitis of Type B are reported ever year in England. 200 cases out of total reported ones die due to the said disease. Half of those who die because of this type of Meningitis are kids, who are below five years.
Furthermore, over 400 kids, suffering from the said disease are affected by severe complications namely impairment, blindness, deafness, and cerebral injuries.
Although it has been reported that vaccination plans for campaign against other types of Meningitis were successful in England, presently, there is no vaccine against Meningitis of Type B in the nation.
Meningo Cocci B or Meningitis of Type B is the most prevalent type of bacterium meningitis in England. This type of Meningitis is regarded as the most fatal diseases as well.
Since there are many varieties of Meningitis of Type B, producing respective vaccine, which could prevent development of the said disease is a difficult task.
Bexsero is the first vaccine, which prevents development of the fatal type of Meningo Cocci B, which in some cases leads to death only within a few hours.
European Medical Institute which supervises over a supervising organization of medicines in England has stated its auspicious decision to use the aforesaid vaccine. Thus, it so seems that this vaccine is effective and using the same is not dangerous either.
This is the first step, taken in confirming procedure of the said vaccine. According to the said report, authorization for use of the said vaccines will be issued within the next three months accordingly.




Check almost any label on processed food or soup and you’ll see a high sodium content. In most homes, you’ll also see a salt shaker in the middle of the table. When people begin to be conscientious about their salt intake, they often reach for a potassium based salt substitute, however, with some medications potassium should be limited as well.

A better way to cut down is to season with herbs and spices, they are not going to taste like salt, but they do provide flavors that can stir the palette and make you wonder why you ever thought salt was so important.

1. Parsley – Many see parsley as a table garnish, but it also makes an excellent addition to your dishes. It gives them a fresher overall taste, and can help heighten the flavor of other spices.

2. Savory (Satureja) – Savory actually comes in two varieties, summer and winter savories, but either can be used in any season. It is from the satureja plant and is a member of the mint family, and has a flavor similar to oregano or marjoram.

3. Sage – Sage is a very aromatic, woody flavored herbs that has a flavor very resilient to cooking. It is particularly common in pork dishes and in bread stuffings.

4. Cilantro – Cilantro is a common ingredient in Mexican dishes, such as salsas and guacamole and many think it tastes somewhat like citrus. Some people, however, are predisposed to taste it differently and may think it tastes like soap. Try a little first and see what you think.

5. Basil – Basil is common in Italian dishes, and tastes both sweet and spicy, although not overwhelmingly so is either area.

6. Cinnamon – Cinnamon is one of the oldest spice known, especially in countries like India, Sri Lanka and other parts of Asia. This is a good salt alternative as it has the ability to regulates blood sugar level and lower cholesterol.

7. Cardamom – Cardamom is a well known substitute for salt as the taste of it is widely different and strong. Most of us have drunk cardamom tea and have got the taste with a hint of a ginger and salt.

8. Cayenne – Also known as red chilli peppers, Cayenne is an apt substitute for salt. Widely used in Spanish, Mexican and Indian cuisines. Cayenne gives a hot and peppery flavour that can be a good salt alternative.

9. Bay – Bay leaves are highly known to add flavour to meat foods. These sweet and aromatic leaves are usually dried to enhance its flavour. This could be one ingredient that could re-define the taste of the food.

These herbs and spices represent just the beginning of ways to season without salt. Many look to the bulb family; garlic, onions, leeks, or chives to add intensity to their food, or to various peppers including cayenne or other red peppers, or even salt’s trusty companion, black pepper. Any of these options can potentially lead to better health.





A sub-specialist in cornea pointed that application of the new method of Femto-LASIK for treatment of cornea diseases and especially for correction of eye refractive disorders, and further added: “Using this kind of laser, surgeries on cornea is done more precisely and quickly in such a way as such operation takes less than one minute and the patient is able to resume his work the day after this surgery. Dr Seyed Javad Hashemian stated on the new method of Femto-LASIK used for treatment of cornea diseases: Femto-LASIK is one of the most modern method for correction of myopia and hyperopia as well as astigmatism. Femtosecond laser enjoys various applications in ophthalmology including making incisions on cornea, treatment of glaucoma and some complications with retina.
He further added: “Presently, this new system has been devised in many specialized eye hospitals. This kind of laser, with a length of 1053 is in the range of infrared lights. It is able to pass through various spaces, making incisions on each axle. Consequently, this kind of laser has helped us make kinds of surgical incisions on all directions and axles.
He further added: “Nowadays, this method is used in surgeries on cornea such as layer grafting and the surgeries, which does require that a stent be devised in cornea thickness. This stent is also used for correction of refractive disorders through a flap (making in incision on cornea). Respective advantages of the said surgery, which is done by the help of Femtosecond laser are namely more preciseness, less complications and high speed”. Stating that previously during provision method of flap using LASIK, error coefficient could have caused that the said flap lacks desirable quality and appearance”. He also stated: “However, such problems as described above have been removed now because accuracy of the said device in preparing the said flap is really at higher level and it is controllable as it has been made considering cornea cut cellulose structure. Thus, respective surgery may be design and performed proportionate to conditions of each patient.
The above-named sub-specialist in cornea has also emphasized on the fact that complications of such surgeries have decreased to a large extent and he added: “This method is useful especially for those who are not able to go through other methods including surface cornea laser, P.R.P and LASEK.    He also stated: “There are different methods, used for correction of refractive disorders. However, in the patients, who are candidates for LASIK surgery, the said operation shall be performed more precisely and reliably using femtolaser equipment”.

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