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Recent years have brought more attention to the role of carbohydrates in our diets and the differences between healthy and unhealthy carbs, most often in the context of weight control. A new study highlights one more reason to avoid sugary beverages, processed foods and other energy-dense carbohydrate-containing foods—cutting them may help reduce your risk of cancer.

In the new study, regular consumption of sugary beverages was associated with a 3 times greater risk of prostate cancer and higher intake of processed lunch foods such as pizza, burgers and meat sandwiches doubled prostate cancer risk. By contrast, healthy carbohydrate-containing foods like legumes, non-starchy vegetables, fruits and whole grains were collectively associated with a 67 percent lower risk for breast cancer.

"One of the most important findings here is that the type of carbohydrate-containing foods you consume can impact your cancer risk," said Nour Makarem, a Ph.D. student at New York University and the study's lead author. "It appears that healthy carbohydrate sources, such as legumes, tend to protect us from cancer, but non-healthy ones, such as fast foods and sugary beverages, seem to increase the risk of these cancers."

Makarem will present the research at the American Society for Nutrition Scientific Sessions and Annual Meeting during Experimental Biology 2016.

The study is based on the health records of 3,100 volunteers tracked since the early 1970s. Researchers began tracking participants' diets through detailed food frequency questionnaires starting in 1991. For the new study, Makarem and her colleagues categorized all of the study participants' food sources by glycemic index—a measure of dietary carbohydrate quality based on an item's relative impact on blood sugar levels as compared to a reference food—and glycemic load, a measure of both the quantity and quality of carbohydrates in a given food item. They then analyzed the results in relation to volunteers' cancer rates.

After taking into account multiple cancer risk factors, the study found that eating foods with a higher glycemic load was associated with an 88 percent higher prostate cancer risk. Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related death in men.

"Our study showed very strong associations between certain foods and cancer, in particular with prostate cancer," said Makarem. "There had not been very many studies on food sources and prostate cancer previously."

"Americans consume almost half of their added sugars in beverages," said Makarem. "Sugar-sweetened beverages have been shown to increase the risk of obesity and diabetes, and our study documents that they may also have a detrimental impact on cancer risk."

By contrast, consuming low-glycemic index foods such as legumes, non-starchy vegetables, most fruits and whole grains was associated with a 67 percent lower breast cancer risk. Breast cancer risk was also reduced among women who had a higher level of carbohydrate intake overall as a proportion of their total calories. However, in this study participants with in the highest level of carbohydrate intake also had higher intakes of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and legumes. These findings underscore the idea that the type of carbohydrates matters more than the total amount of carbohydrates, said Makarem.

Among individual foods, legumes such as beans, lentils and peas were associated with 32 percent lower risk of all overweight- and obesity-related cancers, including breast, prostate and colorectal cancers.

By nature of the study design, the results point only to associations, not necessarily to cause-and-effect. Nonetheless, the findings are in line with previous studies, which have shown that malignant cancer cells seem to feed on sugar, and that diets high in refined carbohydrates may lead to a range of adverse health effects primarily due to their impacts on body fatness and on the dysregulation of insulin and glucose, both of which are factors that may increase cancer risk.

"Current cancer prevention guidelines recommend avoiding sugary drinks and limiting the consumption of energy-dense foods, which tend to be high in refined carbohydrates," said Makarem. "I think our findings add to the body of evidence behind this recommendation and strengthen the associations between these types of food and cancer."

One caveat that Makarem noted is that the volunteers involved in the study were 99 percent Caucasian. Further study is needed to determine if these associations hold true in more ethnically-diverse groups.




 Schizophrenia is a disabling brain disorder characterized by the inability to tell reality from imagination, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Symptoms are broken down into two types called "positive symptoms," which include hallucinations and delusions, and "negative symptoms" which include social withdrawal, apathy, and a lack of emotional expressiveness. While drugs have been found to help many with the positive type of symptoms, too often there's no help for the negative variety - until now. A new study has found that taking dietary supplements folate and vitamin B12 can alleviate these symptoms in some patients.

In a new placebo-controlled study of 140 patients with schizophrenia, a research team based at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) found improvement across all participants when folate and B12 were added to their regular treatments. But the results were most significant in those carrying specific variants in genes involved with folate metabolism.

The report has just been published in JAMA Psychiatry (formerly Archives of General Psychiatry) online. It's the first study designed specifically to investigate whether supplementation with folate and B12 (which increases the effects of folate) can treat the symptoms of schizophrenia.

"The symptoms of schizophrenia are complex, and antipsychotic medications provide no relief for some of the most disabling parts of the illness. These include negative symptoms, which can be particularly devastating," Joshua Roffman, MD, MMSc, of the MGH Department of Psychiatry, corresponding author of the JAMA Psychiatry paper, said in a media statement.

"Our finding that folate plus vitamin B12 supplementation can improve negative symptoms opens a new potential avenue for treatment of schizophrenia. Because treatment effects differed based on which genetic variants were present in each participant, the results also support a personalized medical approach to treating schizophrenia."

So why would the essential nutrient folate (often found in supplements in the folic acid form) have a positive impact on the devastating condition known as schizophrenia? In their paper, the researchers note that folate is necessary for the synthesis of DNA and neurotransmitters and it plays a role in the control of gene expression. Previous studies have linked folate deficiency during pregnancy with an increased risk of schizophrenia among offspring. Earlier research by members of the MGH-based team found low blood folate levels were associated with the more severe, negative symptoms among patients with schizophrenia.

"Folate plays a critical role in DNA methylation, which regulates gene expression, so it's plausible that its effects on negative symptoms act through gene expression changes," Dr. Roffman, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, explained in a media statement. "Participants with the low-functioning FOLH1 variant (a gene involved in folate metabolism) might eventually show a benefit of folate supplementation if treated for a longer period of time, but that needs to be investigated in future studies."

"Understanding more about the basic neural mechanisms of folate in patients with schizophrenia could help us generate more targeted and effective interventions to reduce and possibly even prevent symptoms."




Relying on unsparing efforts and endeavors of the researchers of Infectious and Tropical Diseases Research Center of Esfahan University of Medical Sciences, a new species of mycobacterium has been discovered, registered to Iran at global scientific banks under the name of “Mycobacterium Iranicum”.
As reported by ISNA,  “Mycobacterium”, which was discovered by Dr Hassan Shojaee, Professor of Esfahan University of Medical Sciences and his research team, causes Semi-tuberculosis Meningitis as well skin lesions in human body.
As stated by Dr. Shojaee, the said bacterium has simultaneously been discovered at six research centers in Greek, the Netherlands, Sweden, USA, Italy and Iran. Since Iran has introduced the said bacterium to International Committee for Registration of Microbes sooner, new Mycobacterium has been registered to the discovering country i.e. Iran under the name of Mycobacterium Iranicum.




A diet consisting of a variety of raw fresh vegetables is the best prevention and also a potential cure for cancer, depending on how far the cancer has progressed and how easily the body can digest and properly assimilate nutrition. Berries, grapes, broccoli, leafy greens, sprouts, avocados, red and yellow peppers, red cabbage, dandelion, beets, and many more foods have been proven in numerous scientific studies to not only prevent, but to also destroy, cancer cells. If we did research on every single piece of produce we eat, we'd probably find that most of them, if not all of them, prevent and fight cancer in some way or another. This is what the modern diet is missing, fresh raw produce. Early humans ate pounds of it a day, all day, every day. Whether you have cancer now, or are just trying to prevent it, cut out the refined and processed foods, and eat more produce.

Herbs and Spices
Garlic, oregano, cloves, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, and ginger have been shown in multiple studies to fight cancer. Spice up your meals, especially those big salads. Fresh raw produce works synergistically with herbs and spices. In other words, the combination of garlic, oregano, and a bunch of vegetables is more powerful than garlic and/or oregano alone. Make big salads with lots of vegetables and add in fresh herbs and spices.Speaking of combinations, turmeric and black pepper make for a powerful cancer-killing duo. Most of you have heard of the incredible benefits of turmeric and it's cancer-killing properties. Turmeric is known to actually outperform many pharmaceutical drugs for various diseases. The only problem with turmeric is that the beneficial component to which all the hoopla is about, curcumin, is not easily absorbed by the body. Black pepper contains piperine, a chemical with powerful antioxidant properties. Pepper and turmeric together allow the body to absorb more turmeric. Reports range from a 200% increase to over 2,000%! It's no coincidence that two of the main ingredients in curry powder are black pepper and turmeric. Come to think of it, ginger and cinnamon, two other powerhouse herbs known to fight cancer, are also almost always found in curry spice blends as well. It's no wonder...

Herbal Supplements, Vitamins, and Minerals
Getting a wide range of vitamins and minerals should be easy when you're eating lots of produce, but it's not always that simple. Our soil is so degraded, even organic produce doesn't have the nutrition it used to have. If you cannot grow your own produce in the most optimum conditions with the best soil, we recommend a primarily food-based nutrition powder from a source you know and trust. That's not "whole food sourced"; we mean actual food, like rose hips, lemon peels, chlorella, etc. And when these nutrition formulas are done right, the enzymes are left intact. There are a ton of herbal tinctures, extracts, and other supplements that kill cancer cells. Echinacea, oil of oregano, clove oil, goldenseal, barberry, astragalus, pau d'arco, red clover, and skullcap are a few of the many plant based herbal supplements that kill cancer cells. Study after study shows that many of the right plants and plant extracts have more power to kill off cancer cells than conventional treatments. Wormwood is a very powerful herb that is often used to kill parasites and Candida. Wormwood, more specifically, wormwood extract, kills cancer cells.

Kill 98% Of All Cancer Cells In Less Than 24 Hours
A new study shows that a derivative of the wormwood plant, artemesinin, turns deadly in the presence of iron. Breast cancer cells have high levels of iron. When artemesinin senses these higher than usual levels of iron, it destroys the cancer cells with little damage to the surrounding healthy cells. This results in an herbal killing machine that killed 98% of the breast cancer cells present within 16 hours! Although this study is in its first phase in a lab with petri dishes, artemesinin tablets are "widely and successfully" used to fight malaria for the same reason, the parasite responsible for malaria uptakes a large amount of iron, just like the breast cancer cells. Artemesinin zeros in on the iron and destroys the parasite.Wormwood is known to be one of the best herbs for killing a number of parasites, and it is anti-microbial and anti-fungal, making wormwood a great addition for people who need to heal their gut.




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A diet consisting of a variety of raw fresh vegetables is the best prevention and also a potential cure for cancer, depending on how far the cancer has progressed and how easily the body can digest and properly assimilate nutrition. Berries, grapes, broccoli, leafy greens, sprouts, avocados, red and yellow peppers, red cabbage, dandelion, beets, and many more foods have been proven in numerous scientific studies to not only prevent, but to also destroy, cancer cells. If we did research on every single piece of produce we eat, we'd probably find that most of them, if not all of them, prevent and fight cancer in some way or another. This is what the modern diet is missing, fresh raw produce. Early humans ate pounds of it a day, all day, every day. Whether you have cancer now, or are just trying to prevent it, cut out the refined and processed foods, and eat more produce.

Herbs and Spices

Garlic, oregano, cloves, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, and ginger have been shown in multiple studies to fight cancer. Spice up your meals, especially those big salads. Fresh raw produce works synergistically with herbs and spices. In other words, the combination of garlic, oregano, and a bunch of vegetables is more powerful than garlic and/or oregano alone. Make big salads with lots of vegetables and add in fresh herbs and spices.Speaking of combinations, turmeric and black pepper make for a powerful cancer-killing duo. Most of you have heard of the incredible benefits of turmeric and it's cancer-killing properties. Turmeric is known to actually outperform many pharmaceutical drugs for various diseases. The only problem with turmeric is that the beneficial component to which all the hoopla is about, curcumin, is not easily absorbed by the body. Black pepper contains piperine, a chemical with powerful antioxidant properties. Pepper and turmeric together allow the body to absorb more turmeric. Reports range from a 200% increase to over 2,000%! It's no coincidence that two of the main ingredients in curry powder are black pepper and turmeric. Come to think of it, ginger and cinnamon, two other powerhouse herbs known to fight cancer, are also almost always found in curry spice blends as well. It's no wonder...

Herbal Supplements, Vitamins, and Minerals

Getting a wide range of vitamins and minerals should be easy when you're eating lots of produce, but it's not always that simple. Our soil is so degraded, even organic produce doesn't have the nutrition it used to have. If you cannot grow your own produce in the most optimum conditions with the best soil, we recommend a primarily food-based nutrition powder from a source you know and trust. That's not "whole food sourced"; we mean actual food, like rose hips, lemon peels, chlorella, etc. And when these nutrition formulas are done right, the enzymes are left intact. There are a ton of herbal tinctures, extracts, and other supplements that kill cancer cells. Echinacea, oil of oregano, clove oil, goldenseal, barberry, astragalus, pau d'arco, red clover, and skullcap are a few of the many plant based herbal supplements that kill cancer cells. Study after study shows that many of the right plants and plant extracts have more power to kill off cancer cells than conventional treatments. Wormwood is a very powerful herb that is often used to kill parasites and Candida. Wormwood, more specifically, wormwood extract, kills cancer cells.

Kill 98% Of All Cancer Cells In Less Than 24 Hours

A new study shows that a derivative of the wormwood plant, artemesinin, turns deadly in the presence of iron. Breast cancer cells have high levels of iron. When artemesinin senses these higher than usual levels of iron, it destroys the cancer cells with little damage to the surrounding healthy cells. This results in an herbal killing machine that killed 98% of the breast cancer cells present within 16 hours! Although this study is in its first phase in a lab with petri dishes, artemesinin tablets are "widely and successfully" used to fight malaria for the same reason, the parasite responsible for malaria uptakes a large amount of iron, just like the breast cancer cells. Artemesinin zeros in on the iron and destroys the parasite.Wormwood is known to be one of the best herbs for killing a number of parasites, and it is anti-microbial and anti-fungal, making wormwood a great addition for people who need to heal their gut.





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