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Researchers of Vienna University could succeed in making the first laboratory heart. As reported by Scientific, the researchers of Vienna University could make a compound, which changes fetal and adult fundamental cells to heart ones.
Primary stage of the said project has successfully been accomplished and at this stage, generated heart cells have had heartbeats inside laboratory dishes.
This heart is made using DNA of the patient himself. There is a weak possibility to repair heart tissue by itself. However, using this chemical compound, this repair process will be accomplished. Presently, there are many patients all over the world, waiting for heart grafting.
Reported by department of technology & communication of YaghootRooyan International Holding Group, the second festival & national exhibition of herbal medicine, natural products & Iran’s traditional medicine was held on the 29th September till 2nd October in this year.
This festival & exhibition which was held by science & technology development staff of herbal & traditional medicine related to deputy science & technology of president’s office, included 14 fundamental in this field along with 4 educational workshops.
The main range of audiences of this festival, were public &private companies, in particular private & public knowledge base institutes, researchers, industrialists, entrepreneurs & investors who wish to invest in this area. Furthermore physicians, producers of herbal products & medicine, inventors related to the field, students & professionals were present in the exhibition.
In this fair which was held by presence of Dr. Jahangiri, first deputy of president, Dr. Sattari, science & technology deputy of president & Mahmoud Hojati, agriculture minister, one of the fundamental was introducing herbal products & food supplements. In this regard 5 new products of SepidTeb pharmaceutical company were launched.
SepidTeb which is one of the active knowledge base companies in the country, not only promoted&culturized appropriate use of herbal supplements, but also took the opportunity to make agreements for cooperation in the development of this industry, through exchange of ideas, communication and consultation with manufacturers & entrepreneurs in this area.
It is noteworthy, at this festival SepidTeb pharmaceutical company was chosen as one of selected knowledge base companies in pharmaceutical of the most important factors for this to happen is a research & development center belongs to this company which by considering market demand in the country, could take a significant step in the production of new products & upgrade it’s previous.
Dr.SeyedHosseinEtemadi, founder of YaghootRooyan Int’l Holding Group said that quick commercialization process, creative& innovative human resources & also keeping pace with the world’s latest technology are the other factors for success of SepidTeb pharmaceutical company.
Dévoilement des 5 produits de l'industriepharmaceutiqueSepidTebdans la deuxièmeédition du Festival de la médecinetraditionnelleet les plantesmédicinales.
Selon le département de la technologieet de la communication possession international YaghoutRoyan, le deuxième festival national et l'exposition de plantesmédicinales, les produits de la médecinenaturelle et la médecinetraditionnelle 07-10 mehr de l'année a eu lieu.
Le festival et de l'exposition en coursd'élaboration par le Comité de la science et de la technologie des plantesmédicinales et vice-président de la médecinetraditionnelleassocié de la science et de la technologie a eu lieu .was Composé de 14 selon le domainefondamental et 4 ateliers.
Qu'est-ceque les contacts d'origine de cette festival publiéparticulaireetCamarades, les institutions Governali, les institutions privéesfondéessur les connaissances, les chercheurs, les propriétairesindustriels, entrepreneurs, Les investisseurs qui souhaitentinvestirdanscettepartie.
Dansce festival aussi des médecins, des fabricants de produits à base de plantes et les médicaments, les inventeurs et les technologies relatives à la partie, les étudiants et les professionnelsparicipavano.
Vouset le joint avec le docteurJahangiri, participer à ce festival, premier vice-président. ProfesseurSattari, vice-président de la technologie.également Dr. Mahmoud Janatti, ministre de l'AgricultureL'un des principauxsujetsétaientl'introduction de produits à base de plantes et complémentsalimentaires à cetégard, a étédévoilé 5 nouveaux produitspharmaceutiquesSepidTeb.
PharmacieSepidTebest un des activistesbaséssur la connaissanceontprésentéleurs nouveaux produits à la foire, Avec saprésence au festival, en plus de promouvoir la culture et la bonne utilisation des suppléments, herbes, Grâce à l'échanged'idéesconversation avec les producteurs et les autres entrepreneurs danscesecteur. Accord de coopération pour le développement du secteuratteint.
Ilest à noter commerce SepidTebdans le festival commel'une des sociétés leader dans la base de connaissancespharmaceutiquea étéchoisi.commel'un des facteurs les plus importantsdans la prise de cetévénement un centre de recherche et développement.
en tenant compte du marché et de leurs contacts dans le pays peutêtreuneétapeimportantedans la production de nouveaux produits et l'amélioration du choix de produitsprecedent.
Scoprimento di 5 prodottidellaaziendafarmaceuticaSepidTebnel secondo Festival dellamedicinatradizionale e piantimedicinali.
Secondo ildipartimento di tecnologia e comunicazionepossessointernazionaleYaghoutRoyan, il secondo festival nazionale e l'esposizionedellepiantemedicinale, prodotti di medicinanaturale e medicinatradizionale dal 07 al 10 mehr del quest'annosi è tenuto.
Il Festival e mostraEssendosviluppato dal ComitatoScienza e dellaTecnologia di piantemedicinali e medicinatradizionaleassociate di vice presidentedellascienza e dellatecnologiasi è tenuta .era Costituito da 14 basatafondamentalesul campo e 4 officine.
Ciòchecontattioriginali di questo festival hannopubblicato e particolato I compagni, istitutigovernali, istituti private base sulconoscenza, ricercatori, Proprietari industrial, imprenditori, Gliinvestitorichedesideranoinvestire in questa parte.
In questo festival anchemedici, I fabbricanti di prodottisul base di pianti e farmaci, Inventori e tecnologieriguardantila parte, Studenti e professionistiparicipavano.
Si e tenuta con DottoreJahangiriparticipavano in questofestival,primovice di presidente. ProfessoreSattari, Vice Presidente di tecnologia.anchedottore Mahmoud Janatti, Ministrodell'Agricoltura. Uno degliargomentiprincipali, eranol'introduzione di prodottierboristici e integratorialimentari A questoproposito, è statosvelatoi 5 nuoviprodottifarmaceuticiSepidTeb.
FarmaciaSepidTeb è un attivistibasatisullaconoscenzaintrodottoiloronuoviprodotti in fiera, Con la suapresenza al festival, oltre a promuovere la cultura e ilcorrettouso di integratori a base dell, erbe, Attraverso lo scambio di idee, conersazione con I produttori e glialtriimprenditori di questosettore. Accordo di cooperazione per lo sviluppodelsettoreraggiunta.
Si segnalacommercioSepidTebnel festival Come unadelleaziende leader nella parte della base di conoscenzefarmaceutico è statoscelto come unodeifattoripiùimportantinellarealizzazione di questoeventoavere un centro di ricerca e sviluppo, tenendoconto del mercatoedilorocontattinelpaesepuoavere un passoimportantenellaproduzione di nuoviprodotti e miglioramentiallescelte di prodotti precedent.
ProfessoreSeyedHosseinEtemadi, ilfondatore di international holding YaghoutRouyan, processo di commercializzazionerapidamene,avereImpiegaticreativi e innovative anchetenereilpasso con le ultimetecnologie del mondosaAltrifattori di successi di SepidTeb
The researchers of medical sciences are of this opinion that Mediterranean diet, full of vegetables, fruits, fish and olive oil, prevents cerebral stroke.
As reported by the reporter of borderless physicians’ website, researchers of Navarra University Clinic in Spain emphasize that fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, and olive oil and an average level of fish and chicken prevent cerebral stroke.
Dr. Ramon Storch from Internal Medicine Ward of the Clinic of a hospital in Barcelona of Spain and Dr. Martinez Gonzales, Preventive Medicine Department of Public Health of Navarra University Clinic stated: “Danger of cerebral stroke has been decreased among the individuals, who benefited from Mediterranean diet”.
Spanish researchers have commented that they contracted the said researches on 7447 candidates, who were allowed to consume high quantity of calorie without exercising.
Candidates in the said research have determined one of three diets at random.
Mediterranean diet contained dried fruits, olive oil, fish, chicken, low dairies, red meat or processed meat or pastries, olive oil supplements, and the Mediterranean diet contained dried fruits, low fat food, including bread, potato and macaroni.
Researchers studied the candidates at the age of 55-88 for the entire five years. All individuals were at high risk of cardiac disorders. However, none of them has had cardiovascular problems upon commencement of the said research.
These researches, which were published in New England Medical Journal, compared the individuals who were benefiting from low fat diet and those who were benefiting from Mediterranean diet, enriched with olive oil.
The results of the said researches have revealed that cerebral stroke has been decreased by 46% among the individuals, who benefited from Mediterranean diet.
In Mediterranean diet, there are a huge quantity of vegetable foods such as fruits, vegetables, breads and other materials, made of grains, potato, cereals, and other grains; foods are made of materials, which are fresh and seasonal, grown in the said region and the least process is done during cooking process on the said foods accordingly.
Fresh fruits in the said diet are consumed as daily desserts. Pastries, containing concentrated sugar or honey are consumed several times every week.
Olive oil is a main source, providing fat of the said diet. Dairy protract, especially cheese and yogurt are consumed every day at low or medium level. Fish and chicken are used at low or medium level. One to four eggs are consumed every week. Red meat is consumed low.
Reported by department of technology & communication of YaghootRooyan International Holding Group, the second festival & national exhibition of herbal medicine, natural products & Iran’s traditional medicine was held on the 29th September till 2nd October in this year.
This festival & exhibition which was held by science & technology development staff of herbal & traditional medicine related to deputy science & technology of president’s office, included 14 fundamental in this field along with 4 educational workshops.
The main range of audiences of this festival, were public &private companies, in particular private & public knowledge base institutes, researchers, industrialists, entrepreneurs & investors who wish to invest in this area. Furthermore physicians, producers of herbal products & medicine, inventors related to the field, students & professionals were present in the exhibition.
In this fair which was held by presence of Dr. Jahangiri, first deputy of president, Dr. Sattari, science & technology deputy of president & Mahmoud Hojati, agriculture minister, one of the fundamental was introducing herbal products & food supplements. In this regard 5 new products of SepidTeb pharmaceutical company were launched.
SepidTeb which is one of the active knowledge base companies in the country, not only promoted&culturized appropriate use of herbal supplements, but also took the opportunity to make agreements for cooperation in the development of this industry, through exchange of ideas, communication and consultation with manufacturers & entrepreneurs in this area.
It is noteworthy, at this festival SepidTeb pharmaceutical company was chosen as one of selected knowledge base companies in pharmaceutical of the most important factors for this to happen is a research & development center belongs to this company which by considering market demand in the country, could take a significant step in the production of new products & upgrade it’s previous.
Dr.SeyedHosseinEtemadi, founder of YaghootRooyan Int’l Holding Group said that quick commercialization process, creative& innovative human resources & also keeping pace with the world’s latest technology are the other factors for success of SepidTeb pharmaceutical company.
The National Myelodysplastic Syndromes Natural History Study (The National MDS Study) is underway, the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group and its collaborators announced today. This new study, funded by the National Institutes of Health's National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), and performed in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute (NCI), will collect detailed information and biological samples from 2000 adults with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and 500 more patients receiving care for a persistent low red blood cell count (anemia) that cannot be explained. Its purpose is to build a national resource to be used by scientists in future research.
A third group will be formed as a comparison cohort by selecting 1000 patients who will be screened in the study because of symptoms of MDS, but who will be found to not actually have one of the blood disorders. In total, the study will enroll up to 3500 patients, making it the largest-ever prospective study of MDS in the U.S.
It is hoped that this national resource will help researchers to identify the causes and genetic makeup of these serious and sometimes fatal diseases. Other research could lead to new and better ways to diagnosis and treat these conditions.
MDS occur when the blood-forming cells in the bone marrow are damaged and have problems making new blood cells. Considered a type of cancer, these abnormal blood cells fail to grow properly and die sooner than normal cells, leaving affected individuals with low blood counts and a shorter lifespan. Treatment options depend on the disease severity at diagnosis and are limited in their effectiveness.
About 30,000 people every year develop MDS, which occur mostly in adults over 60 years of age and more often in men than women. Common symptoms of MDS include fatigue, unusual bleeding, bruises, and tiny red marks under the skin, paleness, and shortness of breath.
Many people with MDS develop a serious or life-threatening anemia. About one-third of people with MDS develop acute myeloid leukemia, an aggressive blood cancer.
There are many questions about the causes of MDS and what patients can expect during the course of the disease. Unfortunately, MDS lacks a large collection of patient-related disease information and human tissue samples, such as diseased blood and bone marrow samples, which provide the opportunity for scientific research and breakthroughs. Such resources are already in place for other more common diseases, but not yet for MDS.
This study requires the participation of a large network of physicians who support medical research and who examine people experiencing the symptoms of MDS. A number of organizations are collaborating on this effort. For patient recruitment, which is expected to take five to seven years, the NCI is contributing access to its two large cancer research networks, the NCI National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN) and the NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP).
Physicians may enroll their patients in this study if they and their hospital, practice, or cancer center are a member of any cancer research group that belongs to either NCI network. These groups are the Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology, ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group, NRG Oncology, and SWOG.
ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group, which is leading the study, has added The National MDS Study to its portfolio of active clinical trials in leukemia, thus streamlining its implementation at clinical centers nationwide.
Patients' blood, bone marrow, and other body tissues will be processed and stored at a central laboratory and biorepository at the Moffitt Cancer Center and its M2Gen subsidiary in Tampa, Fla. Patient information and data from patient samples will be linked and stored centrally at a data coordinating center, under the supervision of The Emmes Corporation, which is coordinating the trial.
At the end of this study, the collected data and specimens will be transferred to the NHLBI and will be available to scientists throughout the country for their own research studies. In this way, The National MDS Study will enable scientists to answer questions about MDS that up to this point have been impractical to study at a single institution or even among small groups of researchers.
When surgeon Alan Bauman started his hair restoration practice in Boca Raton, Fla., in the late 1990s, about 10% of his patients were women. Now, he says, half are. Joseph Greco, a hair loss specialist in Sarasota, Fla., says his share of female patients has gone from 25% to 60% in the last decade alone.
There's no reason to think more women these days are losing hair. Almost all women lose some hair as they age and some women – just like some men – are genetically predisposed to lose a lot. Women rarely go bald, but what starts with a widening part, noticeable shedding or a shrinking pony tail can become significant, scalp-exposing hair thinning for about one third of women, studies show.
How women feel about that may be changing, says Melissa Piliang, a dermatologist specializing in hair loss at the Cleveland Clinic.
"I think there is an increased awareness and an increased interest in treatment," Piliang says. "For our grandmothers' generation, women over 50 were considered old. Now women that age are considered pretty young. Many also have jobs in which appearance is important."
And, it's fair to say, many also are seeing marketing for an increasing array of hair restoration products and procedures aimed at women – including a pricey but unproven treatment that both Bauman and Greco specialize in. It involves scalp injections with something called platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
Bauman, Greco and other practitioners – some of whom market PRP as a "vampire hair treatment," akin to the bloody "vampire facials" made famous by Kim Kardashian – say that substances in concentrated plasma, taken from a patient's own blood, can stimulate hair regrowth. They say the procedure is safe and produces noticeable results in most, but not all, male and female patients. A 20% to 25% increase in hair mass is typical, Bauman says.
But studies so far have been small and most have lacked the comparison groups that would show how PRP stacks up against other treatments or no treatment at all. "The early findings show promise, but more studies are needed to know whether this is a safe and effective treatment," the American Academy of Dermatology says.
Also, a lack of standardization – with each clinic using its own methods – "means it's buyer beware out there," Bauman says.
Those buyers are spending big bucks: Bauman charges $2,500 for a PRP treatment that he says needs to be repeated once a year on average. Greco says he repeats his version three times over the first 18 months for typical "female pattern hair loss" patients, charging $1,600 for the first treatment, $1,400 for the second and $1,000 for the third. Patients have an incentive to return because any new hair will fall out when treatment stops – just as it does with any treatment except for hair transplants.
But no one considers PRP the first-line treatment for women with hair loss.
That distinction goes to minoxidil, a liquid or foam applied to the scalp, available over the counter for years. The Food and Drug Administration approved a full-strength foam (a 5% solution) for women in 2014 and it is now sold as Women's Rogaine. The big advantage over older 2% versions is that it can be used once a day, instead of twice. It costs about $35 for a four-month supply.
Pililang says about 80% of women using minoxidil will stop losing hair and about half will regrow some. "It's not going to take someone who's 50 or 60 back to the hair they had at 20," she says.
"It doesn't work for everybody, but I tell my patients to use it diligently for six months and then look in the mirror and see how they feel," says Paradi Mirmirani, a dermatologist specializing in hair loss at Kaiser Permanente in Vallejo, Calif. Because hair loss caused by aging and genes gets worse over time, even maintaining hair "is a win," she says. "But patients have to decide whether it's worth the time and money."
The main side effects associated with minoxidil are scalp irritation and itching. And some women report unwanted facial hair growth – something that package instructions say might be prevented with careful application.
Another treatment that might work for some women: laser therapy with comb devices that sell for about $200 to $500 or caps that cost even more. These are FDA-approved for safety and recent studies suggest "a modest benefit," Mirmirani says.
Some women are candidates for hair transplant. But because women tend to lose hair all over their heads, not in the distinct bald spots common in men, finding lusher sections that can be moved to cover sparser areas is "more challenging," Piliang says.
Supplements such as biotin, marketed for hair health, are unproven, Piliang and Mirmirani say. But eating a healthy diet, protecting hair from the sun and not smoking can help, they say.
Also important to know: not all women's hair loss is the result of aging and genes. And some causes are treatable or temporary. Among them:
• Pregnancy. Many women see temporary hair loss after pregnancy.
• Stress. Hair also can shed after stressful or traumatic events.
• Iron deficiency, thyroid, hormone and immune disorders. Treating them can often stop any associated hair loss.
• Medications. Cancer drugs but also drugs used to treat acne, depression, blood clotting and other conditions can cause hair loss.